New Mitt Romney Ad: Vote For Me; I'm All You Got
This new “campaign ad” from Mitt Romney tells the hard truth folks.
What do you think? Has he convinced you? Or are you still holding out for Ron Paul to finally have his year? Let us know in the comments below. (and send your hate mail to Jimmy Kimmel in Hollywood, CA)
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Why is a quasi-socialist all I’ve got? As for me this time around I’m voting for Ron Paul.
I don’t blame you for voting for Ron Paul in the primary, because we should all feel free to vote with our convictions, but *if* Romney wins the Primary, I sincerely hope you will vote for him in the general election against Obama.
The United States cannot afford to elect yet another bought and paid for puppet.
Vote for Ron Paul.
Agree #RonPaul2012
Mitt has my vote!
The primaries are not over. Voters still have a voice in 14 states! Don’t let the RNC & Romney speak 4 you! VOTE Newt May 8. Newt is still on the ballot in your states! VOTE Newt 2DAY 2 stand 4 American Freedom, Ingenuity, Faith!
RNC wants GOP voters 2 shut up & swallow Romney medicine. Let’s show’em we won’t be forcefed. VOTE #NEWT on May8 #NorthCarolina #Indiana #WestVirginia