While conservative talk radio has no shortage of hosts and personalities, sometimes it does seem to have a shortage of ideas. Sometimes it feels like everybody is saying the same things, and the only thing that really differentiates them is who can yell the loudest. That’s where Married To The Game comes in.
Married To The Game is a new show and part of the CDN family that’s designed to be a “safe” place to discuss politics without worrying about the typical conservative litmus tests. The words “RINO” and “true conservative” are not used here. Instead, we focus on news and solutions for problems in an open and honest manner. If you’ve refrained from listening to political talk radio, because you’re tired of hearing the same positions ad nauseam, then Married To The Game might be for you. And… did we mention it airs on Saturday nights? Be sure to tune in starting at 10pm (East) and 7pm (West) on Saturday nights, and feel free to call in to make sure your voice is being heard. Be sure to check out the sample below.