An Open Letter To “progressive” Politicians

Families in America must live within their means, and it’s time for the United States federal government to do the same. Don’t tell me it can’t be done. Since I lost my last full time job back in 2008, I’ve been able to make ends meet with less than half my previous income while simultaneously reducing my personal debt.

As one of your constituents, I’m calling on you to advocate for spending cuts, not tax hikes, to balance the federal budget. Since 2009, federal spending has increased from 20% to 25% of GDP. Raising taxes to pay for this increase will accomplish nothing because, in true form, you’ll blow any new revenues on additional spending programs and never balance a thing. The treadbare argument in favor of future spending cuts in exchange for immediate “revenue enhancements” is thoroughly unconvincing, since history shows that the tax hikes always occur while the spending cuts rarely, if ever happen. Spending cuts MUST come first.

With our national debt at 100% of GDP, it’s past time to get our fiscal house in order. To this end, I propose that all Legislative and Executive Branch salaries be cut to $0.00 until the United States federal budget is balanced in a responsible fashion.

As a proud, patriotic member of the Tea Party, please know that we are involved in politics to help you know how we feel and to support legislators who listen to the people.


Mr. Michael J. Fell

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One Comment

  1. Well put Mike. Either run the government with what they take in each year without borrowing a penny, or citizens will have to just stop sending in those income tax payments in 2012. 10 or 15 million or so folks cutting these tyrants off from our wallets, for even 1 month would show them we mean business. Money talks.

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