
The Steve Jobs Lesson

The story of Steve Jobs is more than one of tremendous success and tangible contributions to the betterment of mankind. It’s also an important lesson on how America was designed to work.

In the wake of Steve Jobs’ passing it’s important to remember that when companies like Apple and Microsoft were in their infancy, Ronald Reagan kept government out of the American computer business, while other countries’ governments felt compelled to meddle in theirs. Which country’s computer businesses came out on top? Anyone who uses Apple computers, Ipods, Ipads, PCs or Windows knows the answer to that question.

Today, the current White House occupant insists that government should meddle in business. What have we seen happen? Corruptive misuse of taxpayers’ money in favor of those who support his political agenda.

Subsequent to the takeover of banks, the automobile industry, student loans, energy, healthcare…even the making of guitars, we’ve seen unemployment go up, consumer spending drop, and a return of Jimmy Carter’s national malaise.

The lesson of the Steve Jobs story should not be lost on America. Although “progressives” remain obsessed with the thought that the American government should “lead from behind” and mimic European nations and Communist China by funding “green energy”, history shows that privately funded American entrepreneurs can outcompete and outperform government supported businesses in other countries.

To cure the deficit, debt and unemployment ills currently afflicting the United States, America’s government should follow America’s original design. Government should get out of the way and let Americans go about their business. The American way is not what’s wrong with America. Government interference in the American way is.


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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. The US and the world has lost a true entrepreneurial genius. God bless Steve Jobs and his family.

  2. “In the wake of Steve Jobs’ passing it’s important to remember that when companies like Apple and Microsoft were in their infancy, Ronald Reagan kept government out of the American computer business, while other countries’ governments felt compelled to meddle in theirs.”

    That’s right. Remember when Bill Gates invented the internet?


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