Republican Primary Schedule

As the Republican Debate schedule comes to a close, the primary voting schedule is getting off the ground.  Click on the states’ names to see results for primaries/caucuses that are open or have completed.

For an overview of the 2012 election process, delegate counts and more go to our 2012 election center.

Republican Primaries/Caucuses by date:

January 3rd Iowa
January 10th New Hampshire
January 21st South Carolina
January 31st Florida
February 4th Maine (open), Nevada
February 7th Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri
February 11th Maine (close)
February 28th Arizona, Michigan
March 6th (Super Tuesday) Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts, N. Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming (open)
March 10th Wyoming (close), Kansas, U.S. Virgin Islands
March 13th Alabama, Mississippi, Hawaii
March 20th Illinois
March 24th Louisiana
April 3rd Maryland, D.C., Wisconsins, Texas
April 24th Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island
May 8th Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia
May 15th Nebraska, Oregon
May 22nd Arkansas, Kentucky
June 5th California, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota
June 6th Utah
July 31st Georgia
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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Where’s Georgia? Not like it matters, it’s be decided by the time we get to it. Maybe we could start in a Hillary write-in thing on the democrat side…

  2. If you ever tune in to half the talk drivel, most are pushing gold and silver as a temporary solution for the crisis. But, my personal past experience is the salesmen under no circumstances quit phoning ‘n’ pestering you,plus the marginis actually bad unless you go to a neighborhood coin store.

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