Libral Sheeple: Janeane Garofalo
"Let’s get Herman Cain involved, so it deflects the OBVIOUS RACISM of our Republican party."
"Herman Cain, I feel like HE’S BEING PAID BY SOMEBODY to be involved and to run for president…"
"And he may have a touch of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME."
"I wonder how they (minorities) could be trying to CURRY FAVOR WITH THE OPPRESSORS…" (by being involved with the Republican party)
The quotes above are all from this wonderful video below of Janenane Garofalo explaining how the Tea Party is so racist that they probably hired Herman Cain to run for president as a means to hide their racism.
I’d try debating her on some of these points, but I imagine it would be easier to argue with an ibex.
The problem with sheeple and ibexes is that neither one of them will listen.
Contrary to Republican belief systems, liberals do not believe that talking about racism is “a bad thing.” In fact most of us believe, the dialog surrounding racism needs to be held wide open….. until that blessed day there remains nobody uncomfortable when the topic is approached.