
Is "Mormonism" Christian?

In the news lately has been another in a long string of non-issues raised by candidates for the Presidency of the United States of America. The senior pastor at the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Robert Jeffress, made disparaging comments about Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons in the common vernacular). Then he added to his rhetoric about the LDS Church an indictment of Mitt Romney not being Christian…because he was Mormon. All of this was done in support of Governor Rick Perry‘s rapidly failing campaign.

Not unlike the Apostle Peter, Perry (sic) went out, and wept bitterly, (Luke 22:62) disclaiming the good pastor’s comment three separate times.

Well, I wanted to run a brief comparison between Jesus Christ and his “disciple Jeffress”.

Although prophesied in the Old Testament several time that Christ would come and redeem his people, not much is said about the reason it would happen. In hindsight we can see that the reasoning was pretty much for political purposes. A growing assemblage of people were turning to Christ and away from the ruling class that would “strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.”

One of Christ’s disciples, Judas, was among those that wanted Him to be a political leader and throw off the chains of the Roman empire. Judas joined the jealousy squad because it would further his ends…or so he thought, not unlike Pastor Jeffress.

They both failed to recognize what it really took to be a Christian. In the late of the night, a group of soldiers led by Judas ascended a mountain with the sole purpose of incarcerating Jesus Christ to bring Him to trial. Peter, who would later deny knowing Christ, drew his sword in defense of his Master. Now, note the response of Jesus Christ compared to the vitriol of Pastor Jeffress.

“And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him.” (Luke 22:51)

We later learn that this confused follower of Christ went out and hung himself. Not only did he realize that what he had done was wrong, he also recognized that he had been duped by vain ambitions of politicians. He recognized that the good cause he thought he would help was in fact all for nothing.

It is interesting that when tried, Jesus Christ “uttered not a word.”  His only defense was being who he was. What is remarkable is that leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints did likewise. “

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      1. Yes it is and I’m not a person quick to judge, but when a religion claims Jesus Christ to be the brother of Satin and has predicted the end times coming several times…you need to flee. Go just a little farther in your Bible and read Matthew 7:15-20. By definition a false profit is someone that has been wrong only once. Look up the history of the Mormon Church.

  1. Thanks for printing the full name of the “Mormon” church: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’m a Mormon, and every Sunday at church I teach a class on the New Testament, focusing on the life of the Savior. Want to know more about the Mormons? Go to

    1. The Mormon “church”, like Islam, was founded by a false prophet, a fraud! The never-seen “golden tablets just happened to be written in the same old English that the KJ Bible was written in with “Thee”, “Thou”, etc…that alone proves the Book of Mormon to be a fraud!

      This is a cult followed by blind fools.

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