The Divide: GOP Debate
After watching the GOP Debated hosted by liberal CNN and the GOP Debate hosted by conservative leaning Fox News, I see two distinct type of campaigns within the ranks of the GOP. One that is re-assuring and another that re-disturbing (2008 all over again), which could cause division among the GOP.
I see real effort for change and reform from several candidates. A restoring of the constitution and an adherence and re-affirmation of the political core beliefs of Republicans and conservative politicians. A real move to control and shrink the federal government, and to revitalize the economy, each with their own approach and differing ideas.
I also see posturing (like in the 2008 GOP Debates), mainly between Governor Rick Perry and former Governor Mitt Romney. Watching them banter back and forth on irrelevant topics (like their books) was quite disappointing. I understand this was about gaining popularity among the voters. Don’t get me wrong, I have high hope for these candidates, all GOP candidates for that fact. But show me the real issues, tell me how you are going to resolve them, stay on the real topics and offer real solutions.
There were some hard hitters in the debate like Ron Paul, Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich. On the flip side, some gave way to rhetoric like former Senator Rick Santorum on jobs, Former Utah Governor John Huntsman on the economy. However, Huntsman offered a positive plan to become energy independent through natural gas.
Hard hitting Ron Paul says he will veto all laws that violate the 10th Ammendment. Gary Johnson supports Ron Paul’s position, and affirms that the 10th Ammendment should be restored.. Michelle Bachmann slammed Rick Perry for big government involvement in Texas over state mandated vaccines.
Herman Cain, a strong candidate from the private sector touts his 9-9-9 plan. Promoting a 9% flat corporate tax, a 9% flat income tax and a 9% flat national sales tax to stimulate the economy.
Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich offers a strong plan in place of the current unemployment plan. He recommends to setup a business led training programs, that offers the unemployed, job training, making the capital from unemployment work. And to allow all 50 states to participate individually.
Most candidates agree that the first federal department to be eliminated is the U.S. Dept. of Education. As many believe that education should be operated from the local and state levels. And that the parents should be responsible for education, not the feds, by offering vouchers and school choice.
There were many topics the GOP were unified on, and few topics they were not. Rick Santorum demands we should give the military generals the troops and support they need to finish the job in Iraq and Afghanistan. Santorum’s plan was quickly rebutted John Huntsman, stating that the American people have waited long enough for us to pull out our troops.
There are many issues and many problems that needs immediate attention, and that can only to be resolved through unity. There is no greater force than unified conservatives, working together for a better America.
If there is any time in America where we need to rally together and show America a unified GOP, all willing to work together, that time is now. My heart is lifted when I hear candidates speak of liberty, patriotism and freedom. Liberty, a parents choice in education. Patriotic, restoration of the Constitution. Freedom, from big government.
It is early in the presidential race, we have strong candidates, and strong issues at hand. But, there must be no arguing, belittling or finger pointing by our GOP Candidates, especially in the American eye.
A united GOP, a prospect of prosperity, a hope for America!
JB Hasman
Anyone who believes Fox news is a conservative leaning news organization; I have some news for you — you are drinking the “Kool aid light”. While you have avoided subscribing to the main Kool aid crowd; you have definitely joined those who favor the lighter version. Fox news is owned by the “uber liberal” Rupert Murdoch and is terrorist side kick the Saudis Prince. While they have spent a lot of time and money attracting the conservative voice of America, it had one purpose and one purpose only. If you doubt any of this than you are extremely ignorant and easily led. This information is public knowledge. A “liberal” website Google is all you ever need to find out if I am telling the truth. Look at Rupert Murdoch’s history in Australia and the U.S. to find out the main goal of the Murdoch machine. Why else on earth would a person who owns every liberal publication under the sun want to start a Conservatie News organization. Every day you hear about the Libyan Rebels; not once do you hear they are the Muslim Brotherhood. How else would conservative politicians lend themselves to debates sponsored by Liberal media organizations. The belief that Fox is going to balance it out. These people are obviously smarter than us…because it’s working. Ask anyone you know…Fox news…liberal or conservative. That’s why he is a billionaire and you are just an American with a gripe that can’t be remedied.