So What Does Michelle Obama Really Think About Our Flag?
Here’s a video that’s making its way around the internet, and is causing quite a stir. It requires some lip-reading, so get ready.
- All this just for a flag.
- All this for a damn flag.
- All this for a f***ing flag.
- Look how they fold that flag.
- Look how they fold the damn flag.
- Look at how they fold the damn flag.
- Something else, I can’t tell.
- Something else, I think she said…….
- There’s no way to tell.
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“Amazing how they fold that flag, isn’t it?”
I’ve seen the Youtube video and three lip readers for deaf people said she is saying “All this for a damn flag.” They even slow it down three is quite obvious that’s what she is saying. This at a 9/11 memorial service too of all things.