Categories: Opinion

Militant atheist

Been noticing a lot of God hatred lately. Fine by me if someone believes or if they don’t. Really couldn’t care less. But it is the Atheists that push that if a person believes in God that somehow equates to ignorance, stupidity, backwardness. As if by being an Atheist is somehow an enlightened person and has become a superior over all others by just not believing.

I call BS.

I would say that anyone that has an attitude of superiority such as that had better look into the mirror and face their own demons, there may be something wrong with their life perceptions and self esteem. Not believing in a God has no bearing on intelligence whatsoever; just as we all know that a certificate on the wall does not really mean a person is smart. Wisdom is gained by experiences. One group feeling they have superiority over another has a word; bigotry.

Now the other people I truly have a problem with are those that dedicate their time to belittling and attempting to convert people to Atheism. I have to ask, how dare you? What business is it to you what a person takes into their hearts and minds and chooses to believe? Now you can say religions attempt conversions, and you would be absolutely correct, however I have yet to have a Mormon I turn away from my door exclaim how stupid I must be for not wanting to believe as he does.

I believe in free will as a natural state of humanity, it is no one’s place to push their God or anti-God views upon me. To push, force, belittle, tower over, or intimidate. Anyone that does from either side is no better than the others which they oppose. That is my mind on the issue, and I continue to find it odd that militant Atheists do not even see their own hypocrisy on the matter.

Now it is no secret to my friends or readers that I am an Ayn Rand fan and have had many mini discussions on the compatibility of Objectivism and Religion. I say they are, for it is not the person’s personal beliefs and the choices involved that are not compatible. It is the religious man-corruption that is not to be mixed. It is the corruption of the ideas put forth from mans early basic sense of self, natural rights, and advancement twisted by religious leaders for power and control. It is when one man takes advantage of a weaker mans mind for control that is against Natural Law.

If the Looters of Christianity would drive home “God helps those which help themselves,” the world would be that much stronger. Instead we get those seeking more and more alms.

I would also point out that the moment any believer in Objectivism can no longer tolerate anyone else’s mind they have lost the lessons. No one man(kind) may hold power over another, which is just basic Rand.

This applies very much to the Atheist with a superiority complex, the moment an Atheist believes he has become a more evolved being is when he became a full hypocrite and transcended into exactly what he perceives people of religion are.

In Galts speech he points out the use of religion to siphon off free will, desires and to make one sacrifice himself for the greater good; that greater good usually meaning the coffers of the Church, Mosque, Synagogue etc. In today’s America it also means the government and political ideals. Liberal ideals.

Our government today has become the master of forced sacrifice for the sake of others. All in the effort of buying votes from the Looters, to BUY POWER. The Looters benefit by taking from the Producers. This in turn facilitates the increase of forced sacrifice via the government tax-whip.

I would have to ask, does anyone believe if tomorrow the world became completely wiped clean of religion that mankind would be altered? I doubt it myself; there will still be the same issues of power and those that will use force against other men for power and controls. Look to those that wish to destroy religion, their own action to control humanity and turn us from being individuals to being a collective.

Where is the “all trust worthy” scientific community that spent the last 15 years lying to the world about global warming in order to facilitate the world wide Cap and Trade redistribution of wealth scheme to turn the lighted parts of the globe back into the dark ages? Should we trust them any more than a man behind a podium or calling to prayer into a minaret? I would say no, because even the most trained mind in logic has proven to be no guard at all against greed and pursuit of power. Having an education and self proclaimed sense of enlightenment does not create humanity, it works to control and dictate.

Where is the scientific mind? We have people in science telling us that forced reduction in population is needed. Do I have to tell you what forced reduction spells out to be? If I do: It means murder, infanticide, forced abortions, culling the herd. Where is the Liberal scientific advanced thought process that cannot care less about a baby in the womb? Heartbeats, brainwaves no matter, kill it if you want. Is that really the resulting thought process of an advanced mind? Or of an indifferent killer? Are they of the kind of mind that would cry for kittens while advocating death to a human fetus?

We have an entire last century with millions murdered in the effort to stifle religion. For power over men’s minds millions have been wiped off the earth. I gave this point to a friend and he gave me a list of individuals that are/were atheists. It is not about individuals, it is about regimes and governments. Using atheism to murder the opposing thoughts; that belief in any other power besides than the government is worthy of a Death Sentence.

Now here would come the usual point of, “that is what religions has done in for centuries to convert humanity,” and yes, it is true. When was the last Crusade, Spanish Inquisitions? Again I would point out that those were all about power for men. God was the tool. Force the implementation.

Today it is the environment and politics, for example, how many millions have died from malaria because of DDT no longer being allowed? Malaria: what a shame in today’s world to die from that disease when it is entirely preventable. All in the name of unproven science, millions of people have died. But at least those that wanted the ban can feel good about saving some minnows, maybe.

So, how does one group hold sway over the other? They don’t, nor should they. Anyone that wants to believe that they have the right to hold power over any other person or group, often with disgusting smugness, well, again, look into the mirror and study your own self first. For it is easy to point out flaws and folly on either side of the fences.

What I can tell you is that the moment that any person or group that begins to attempt to live my life for me, or to put mine and my families lives in danger, well, they had better expect the same in kind.

A long time ago I had a girlfriend that smoked, when being hassled by non-smokers she would say, “I don’t try to make you start so don’t try to make me stop.”

If that is not a universal basis for mutual respect nothing is.

CDN Contributor

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