America’s Race Issue
The race issue is not new to America, but in recent years it has been used as a tool to divide us. We all know that there are groups in our nation that are truly racist, but that label does not apply to the majority of Americans.
Some of the more recent events to bring race back into the lime light is the recent accusation by Morgan Freeman that the Tea Party is racist; and Obama calling Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain an Oreo. The Democrats and their liberal backers continuously try to label any threat to their agenda as racist.
Mr. Freeman needs to quietly attend a Tea Party gathering and meet the people he accuses of being racist and learn what color they go by. He needs to get to know the many Tea Party members that come from many different races and backgrounds. What about these members that he calls racist that are black? Are they prejudice against their own race? Mr. Freeman, we will let you in on the great color secret of the Tea Party: the colors are red white and blue.
It would seem that Obama is under the impression that Cain has a soft, sweet center. Again they forget the red and blue. Of course, Oreos are on most American’s list of favorite treats- and what a treat it would be to see Cain take over the oval office!
Oreo from the racial view normally means a person that is half black and half white. Obama used Oreo to say that Cain is nothing more than a “white man” in black skin. Wouldn’t this be considered the pot calling the kettle black?
What makes a black mans beliefs different than that of a white man? Just because one’s skin is darker or lighter than another does not mean they cannot share the same beliefs. I know and have many other friends of different races than my own that share most of my beliefs. The common bond is the belief of conservative values andor that America is still a Christian nation no matter what Obama and the liberals say.
The color of a person’s skin does not mean that they are limited to what they can believe. That holds no truer than here in the United States of America, where each of us have the right and freedom to choose what we believe. Isn’t it the left that supposedly condemns the stereotyping of any group? The Tea Party has been stereotyped and labeled ever since we have started to band together and stand up for our beliefs.
For Herman Cain and anyone of the Tea Party that has taken offense to the remarks from the liberals, just remember: they attack us because they have realized that we are here to take our nation back and we are the ones who will keep their socialist dreams from coming true.
The nanny-state worshiping wanna-be Socialists of the fake Democratic Party of today have nothing to hang their hats on as far as accomplishments of real American value in the past 5 years, so they have to resort to lies and propaganda in their desperate attempt to try to hang onto power in our government. They just refuse to believe that we do not and will not ever accept them turning America into a poverty-stricken failed Socialistic dump all the while empowering themselves as dictators. Playing the race-based victim card is a plank in main floor of Liberal ideology. People have finally caught on to that form of social justice fraud. It is the time for cutting the head off of big government, and that means kicking Liberals out completely.