These are Not the Charts Obama is Looking For
Both Gallup and Rasmussen have completed surveys that show that the President is losing his bid for re-election with so many groups, so many ways and oh so quickly.
Gallup has the President sliding to just 38% approval, his worst showing ever in the Gallup survey. When looked at as a trend, the imagery worsens.
Rasmussen Reports also summed up their daily results saying, “This is the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for President Obama. The previous low was -24 reached yesterday and also in September 2010. Additionally, the level of Strong Approval matches the lowest yet recorded.”
When digging into the numbers, the picture does not improve. To win an election in America, you have to win the swing vote. Obama hasn’t only lost the middle, has become the polarizing figure he railed against when he stood George W. Bush up as a straw man to beat in the 2008 election.
What should be especially of concern to the Obama campaign, is how even his attempts to buy votes is being rebuked. On August 18th, Obama’s Department of Homeland Security was directed to halt all deportation proceedings against illegal immigrants who are attending school, have family in the military or are primarily responsible for other family members’ care, and allow them to apply for work permits. Obama had failed to deliver the highly unpopular DREAM act and may have been hoping to buy-off the Hispanic community with a the gift of not enforcing current law. How did that community react? Unfavorably.
Presidential job approval is an important barometer, but with the entirety of the main stream media declaring the Republican field “weak”, certainly this won’t hurt his chances for another four years in the White House.. or will it?
Even Ron Paul, largely thought to be a fringe candidate, is only a few points under Obama in the polls and within the survey’s margin of error. Obama is in trouble whether he admits it or not.
Attack after mudslinging attack isn’t working, the president’s policies are failing and a string of broken promises may be coming home to roost.
H obviously doesn’t care about approval. I wonder if he’ll be stupid enough to try to use martial law to stop the election… This Hitler wannabe is capable of it, Nothing he does will surprise me.