
Taking the Red Pill: Believing Eyes & Liberal Lies

My four-year-old daughter loves these gummy vitamins we get at Costco.  They come in a huge jar with multiple colors.  She loves the red ones.  She begs me to pick a red one every morning.  But being a practical mother, I’m not about to go rooting around in a jar of vitamins just so my baby can have a red one.  She gets what comes out on the first tip.  Realizing she wasn’t going to get her wish of a red vitamin every time, my daughter devised a very mature plan: she would just pretend every gummy she got was red.  I think she’s pretended for so long that now she genuinely does see a red vitamin in her hand every day.  It doesn’t matter what color it really is.  If its orange, yellow, green – it’s still red.  She says, “This looks orange, but I don’t think its orange. Its really red”.

Today as we went through the typical red vitamin routine, it struck me that perhaps my daughter’s coping mechanism isn’t all that unique.  As I watch our President campaigning this week, I see him applying the very same techniques to his view of the economy and Americans in general.  Barack Obama has figured out a way to see the red vitamin every time he tips the jar.

This week we’ve heard sound bite after sound bite of the President lamenting the “slow” economy.  He has been making the typical Washington promises of better governing and more helpful programs, and asserting that he understands the plight of the typical American family right now.  Of course, those of us who actually are typical Americans understand that everything this administration has done over the last two and a half years has been antithetical to capitalism and prosperity.  A giant “healthcare” bill that few people wanted and even fewer actually read, disastrous financial reform that’s added new burdens to the business community, extending unemployment to nearly 2 years, a drilling moratorium, a war in Libya, prosecuting Arizona for prosecuting illegal immigration, a government takeover of GM/Chrysler, an 800 billion dollar stimulus package – all of these Obama-led “solutions” have guided us right into 9.6% unemployment (which we know is an artificially low figure thanks to government math), as high as 24% in the Black community.  Any working, thinking American can see that spending more money than we bring in is a recipe for disaster, and we are reaping the first harvests of that disaster currently.  However, Obama has amazingly been able to turn all that gray, garbage-colored mess into a nice, shiny red pill.  Its not QE1, QE2, or even QE3 that’s responsible for rapid inflation, it was the earthquake in Japan.  Its not the drilling moratorium that makes it impossible for us to produce our own oil that is causing sky-high gas prices, it was the oil spill in the Gulf last year.  Its not the 4 trillion in deficit spending his administration will have added by the end of its first term, it’s the House GOP spoilsports backed by infamous terrorists such as the Tea Party and their hobbit minions. Also, George Bush, George Bush, George Bush.  Obama has found a way to deny the reality of this poison pill and make his eyes see a healthy, red vitamin.

This isn’t a quality unique to our President.  Indeed, most liberals are steeped in LDS – not the church.  Liberal Denial Syndrome.  I should know, I once suffered from the same thing.  Its most disturbing symptom is the ability to ignore or deny glaring facts and information and replace them with good intentions and wishful thinking.  Despite continually rising unemployment numbers and foreclosures last year, Liberals still trumpeted the Summer of Recovery as proof Obama-ism was working.  Leaked emails from global warming researchers at East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (which gives recommendations to the UN regarding climate policy) have exposed global warming as a massive hoax based on doctored research and billions of dollars in financing.  The jig is up and yet the liberals are still supporting the UN’s call for a global Climate Change tax and business-killing Cap and Trade here at home.  The polar bear population has increased beyond endangered species parameters, but tell that to any liberal and they will passionately assert that oil and cow flatulence have all but destroyed their natural habitat and they are drowning one by one in the melting Arctic.  One needs only look as far as the IRS’s own website data to see that lower taxes bring increased revenue, but every liberal will tell you with absolutely no embarrassment that the only way to prosperity for more people is to increase taxes.

Provable facts mean nothing to the liberal suffering from LDS.  They mean nothing to Barrack Obama.  These are people who have spent a lifetime practicing up as down and down as up.  They want their good intentions and naïve utopian dreams to be enough to for them to be considered good people.  They want it so badly they are willing to make their eyes see what they wish so badly for in their hearts.  They choose to see the healthy red vitamin, while those of us rooted in reality know it’s really a cyanide pill.

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One Comment

  1. Beginning with her miss-spelled words i,e;”Barrack” instead of President Barack Obama, (which in itself show contempt) I couldn’t disagree with her article more and mind you she’s one of my beautiful, loving nieces.. However, I will give her an E for afford in hope she’ll do better with her spelling and political analyzing in the future.

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