Back To The Border
Have you ever thought about what effect illegal immigrants have on legal immigrants?
In the United States most people equate illegal immigrants to Hispanics even though there are people of many cultures and nationalities that cross our borders illegally. Some cross our borders to find employment while others cross to do harm to our great nation. Guns and drugs flow freely across our borders which, for the most part helps to destroy Americans and in turn leads to our rights being infringed upon. The recent ATF debacle with Mexican gunrunners already has some in Washington wanting to enact more regulations on law abiding gun owners.
On to the effects that illegal immigration has on legal immigrants.
Legal immigrants (especially Hispanics) have possible employers doubt the authenticity of their credentials and documents. It is not uncommon for legal immigrants to have their identities stolen because they have done the work of immigrating legally. Legal immigrants are often stereotyped as being illegal. They commonly have people look down on them or even say rude comments that do not apply to them because they immigrated legally. These are just a few issues that legal immigrants face on a daily basis.
I know a Hispanic lady that immigrated legally, and she has seen some of these things firsthand. While working at a McDonalds restaurant a customer yelled “La Migra” (Spanish for INS) and some of the workers ran to hide. After things settled down, another worker asked why she did not run. She simply stated that she was not afraid of the INS because she immigrated legally and held a green card.
I applaud those who have immigrated legally. They have followed the laws of this sovereign nation to be assets to our nation. For those that have crossed our borders illegally, go back to your home country and if you want to return, follow our laws and enter our country legally next time.
That was funny; someone yelled, la migra! and they scattered like cockroaches. At the same time, it’s kinda sad, because they are always looking over their shoulders.