
Perry-Palin 2012 GOP Ticket?

Things are most certainly heating up for the 2012 election, and neither of the top two names being floated around for the GOP ticket have made announcements that they are running for the office. That does not stop the speculations from flying. Much of the country- mostly Conservatives- are waiting with great anticipation for the final word: Will they, or won’t they?

Of course “they” refers to Rick Perry and Sarah Palin. While neither have announced their official candidacy for the 2012 Presidential election, both of them could be top contenders for the GOP Candidacy.

Reports are that a friendship has formed between the two that goes all the way back to around 2006 when she was still Governor of Alaska.

The speculation is that if either of the two decide to announce that they are officially throwing their hat into the ring for the race then the other one would endorse them. With an endorsement from either Governor, it would essentially be an official Tea Party endorsement.

If Governor Perry were to be the one to announce his candidacy, and Governor Palin were to endorse him, which would be expected, it would not be the first time she officially endorsed him. In last year’s Texas GOP gubernatorial primary, incumbent Rick Perry was challenged by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson. The race proved to be quite a challenge for Governor Perry. However, with Governor Palin’s early and solid endorsement, incumbent Governor Perry won the election.

In her official endorsement statement, she wrote of Governor Perry:

“He does what is right regardless of whether it is popular. He walks the walk of a true conservative.”

In the event Governor Perry does indeed throw his hat into the ring, the next question we should be asking is:

Would Governor Palin once again be the Vice Presidential candidate?

Only time will tell!


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One Comment

  1. Perfect ticket for all reasons to vote for these two. They KNOW how to get America back to what it represents FOR the People NOT for Congress or personal reasons

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