The Democratic Attack Machine
The war of 2012 (elections) is heating up already, and it is sure to be a long hot summer in American politics. The New Democratic Attack Machine is ramping up it’s misinformation messaging platform today like never before seen in American politics. From everything coming out of the Liberal media to the newest Internet propaganda czar being paid by your tax dollars to spread misinformation, this latest version of the Democratic Attack Machine is actually anything but “new”. As a matter of fact it is the same old tired retread of the very same propaganda machines that fake democrats have used for decades, but it is just that they do not want you to recognize it for what it actually is. While the Liberal Democrats attempt to infect America with the cancerous Socialism that has crushed economies across the globe, one must remember that the original Communistic oppressors used Socialist propaganda decades ago to collapse economies worldwide. The American Constitution has protected against this cancer for over 200 years, yet today the infection is so widespread throughout our government and media that we are now facing financial insolvency under the crushing weight of our massive debt problem, largely thanks to the far left Liberal Democratic Attack Machine.
The Demcratic Attack Machine consists of today’s mainstream media, Liberal democrats, and the head rabble-rousing community organizer pictured above, Barack Hussein Obama, all rolled into one Socialistic web of deceit. Back in 2008, The Democratic Attack Machine, led by the Liberal media, installed Obama into the White House simply by bullying the cowardly Senator John McCain into denying him the ability to bring out major negative truths about Obama. Truths such as Obama sitting in a black racist, anti-American church headed by the nasty Rev Wright for twenty years, while the hate-monger screamed G/D America! Truths such as Mr Obama’s close ties with weather-ground terrorist and murderer Bill Ayers, whose living room Barack Obama announced his run for the U.S. Senate from during an Ayers sponsored fundraiser. Truths such as when the Republican party of North Carolina ran an ad exposing these important issues about Mr. Obama, Mr. (afraid of the media bullies) McCain announced that they would not run those types of campaign ads and demanded they pull them! This cowardice and progressive-like truth denial by McCain led many voters to accepting the flat out lies by the media propagandists that all of this information was somehow just a smear campaign by the then non-existent Republican attack machine. That led Americans to elect the far, far, left radical ideologue of one Barack Hussein Obama to the most powerful position in the world, the U.S. presidency. The refusal of John McCain to tell these truths now has the U.S. on the verge of financial insolvency, and one has to wonder just why in the hell the progressive puppet and cowardly John McCain still holds a powerful position in America as a U.S. Senator! Are American votes this stupid and uninformed? Apparently they were, back in 2008, with the help of the brainwashing propaganda coming out of the Liberal controlled media arm of the Democratic Party.
Americans may have been slow to see through the Democratic Attack Machine’s propaganda and pre-planned infection of America by installing far left liberal Barack Obama into the White House, but they did wise up in 2010, after they could not deny the fact that the media was a major factor in helping Liberal Democrats cram the unwanted Socialistic Obama-Care down the throats of Americans through legislative trickery and the flat out ignoring of our Constitution and Congressional rules. Again there was no Republican attack machine present to expose the treasonous government takeover of our health care system, and instead Americans from across the spectrum had to take to grass roots groups and the Internet to expose Obama-care for what it truly is: Socialistic wealth redistribution, stealing 500 billion dollars from Seniors medicare to pay for non-producing freeloaders and the welfare class, while also counting that same 500 billion twice as an accounting gimmick to fool Americans into thinking this scam would somehow reduce health-care costs, increase health-care coverage for millions of people, and reduce the national debt all at the same time! After all, the media, while working tirelessly from within the Democratic Attack Machine, told Americans 24/7 that Obama-care would do all of the aforementioned lies on a daily basis. The people saw through the Democratic Attack Machine’s lies and misinformation, and gave Liberal Democrats the boot from their government in record numbers at local, state and national levels in 2010! Much to the dismay of the establishment GOP, this didn’t come as a result of the old guard GOP running effective, truth-telling informative campaigns across America, but in fact, this came as a result of the grass roots Tea Party Americans countering The Democratic Attack Machine’s massive mainstream media propaganda at every turn, mainly on the Internet information highways, such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
Fast forward to today and we see that The Democratic Attack Machine just stole an election in N.Y. simply by portraying Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal as pushing poor old Granny off a cliff in her wheelchair! At least this is the excuse/propaganda that the media and the GOP are promoting recently. The fact remains that the GOP sat on their rear ends, and let the Democratic Attack Machine steal that election without any hint of an effort by the GOP to quickly counter the misinformation, or even an effort to promote a solid conservative up there. To sum it up, they took that election for granted and got burned big time, to hear the long-time N.Y. State GOP political leaders tell it. This is a prime example on how the lack of a Republican attack machine, or at least a decent effort to engage in the election in N.Y. has now given the Democratic Attack Machine a new platform for stealing elections by spreading misinformation and propaganda on a grand scale in 2012. Now the Liberal Democrats are supposed to be the new best friend of all American Seniors, even though they just stole $500 billion dollars of their health care coverage to pass Obama-Care. How ridiculous is that?
Recently, Barack Obama added a new taxpayer funded member to the Democratic Attack Machine’s ranks, in the form of a new Internet Propaganda Czar named Jesse Lee, who also happens to be married to another member of the Democratic Attack Machine’s propaganda groups, one Where in the hell is the GOP House Speaker, Mr. John Boehner on this abuse of taxpayer dollars? Since when does the President of the United States of America have the authority to use taxpayer dollars to fund the Democratic Attack Machine’s propaganda campaign? The truth behind Mr. Lee’s recent position within our government is not to counter the non-existent Republican attack machine that Liberals and Obama used to scream about, but is in fact, Obama’s attempt to counter the truths being exposed about his anti-American agenda on the Internet by Americans across the land. The truth shall set us free from Obama and the Liberals in 2012, no matter how many propagandists The Democratic Attack Machine throws at us.
* This article was partly made possible by Ann Coulter and her book “Guilty“, as the very detailed facts behind the Democratic Attack Machine were so well exposed there that it compelled me to write this article. Thank you Ann, for a great expose’ on the Liberal media and how they are truly the head of The Democratic Attack Machine. I will also be doing a thorough book review here at CDN on “Guilty” soon, as this is definitely a must read for all concerned Americans as we head into the 2012 election campaign!