Anthony Weiner Will Resign. It’s about time!
Liberal Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York has finally succumbed to the national weiner roast calling for his resignation from Congress and in fact will resign. My only question is why did it take so long? Over the last three years, he has had phone sex, sent naked pictures of himself to females across the internet while being newly married, and then spent three days lying to the public to try to cover it up. then in a nasty example of just how our morals have sunk to all-time lows here in America, we saw many Liberal sheep from New York try to make a case that he should not resign. Shame on you people, public officials are supposed to be honorable, honest representatives of the people, not perverts and lying scumbags such as Mr. Weiner has proven to be. What kind of example do people like him set for our children? This also shows us just how far into the swamp the elitists in the Liberal Democratic party truly are today.
While the sex scandals and criminal activities are pretty common across both party lines today, the audacity of today’s Liberals knows no boundaries. From Charlie “the tax cheat,” Rangel, to Maxine Waters, to the felonious corrupto-crats from within the Democratic party down here in Florida, Corrine Brown and Alcee Hastings, these Liberal elitists never seem to be held accountable for their criminal actions. Click on those two links there, and you will see just what outrageous activity those two Florida politicians have gotten away with. Oh and they are still in our Congress today!
Cyber-sex panderer Anthony Weiner thought he could stay in Congress simply by refusing to resign. I really can’t blame him for thinking he could just sweep his actions under the rug, when we look at all the above criminals that are still serving in our Congress and haven’t recieved one bit of real punishment for their criminal activities. How about Maxine Waters Mr Speaker? You are now in charge of the House and there is NO EXCUSE for not bringing that swamp creature up on charges in the House Ethics committee right now! As far as the uninformed voters from Hasting’s and Brown’s areas of Florida, there are no words to describe the pathetic pattern of voting for those two criminals you folks have shown in Florida!
As another Liberal hypocrite and ex-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi once said, it truly is time to drain the swamp called Congress in 2012! the least Americans can do is start with the criminals who think they are above the law! The Weiner is gone, along with his big-mouth self-righteous, pompous rhetoric, and I for one, am damned glad to see him go! Good frigging riddance!