
A Weiner By Any Other Name Would Be As Flaccid

A day after telling reporters that he’s “not going to talk about this anymore,” Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) broke his silence Wednesday about the controversy surrounding a lewd photo sent from his Twitter account.

“This was a circumstance where someone committed a prank on the internet,” he told MSNBC’s Luke Russert. “I didn’t send [that] picture out” the congressman said, though he does not know who did. Is the photo of him? “I can’t say with certitude” he told Russert.

“It was a prank,” Weiner reiterated. “This is not a national security matter. We’re not making a federal case out of this.”(1)

And so it went. The NY poster-boy for loudmouth progressive liberals is caught with his pants down about his hypocritical ankles. Reading this story one wonders why Congressman Weiner, if he is so innocent, would one… be a Twitter follower of the woman who received the picture and two…why he found the need to hire a lawyer after he just minimized the import and significance of the very incident/s he’s just hired the lawyer to protect him over. As is common with this stuff liberals cannot stand being egoistically knocked down a peg and so he lashed out at Andrew Breitbart. That was and has proved to be very bad political judgement. For when you are both a hypocrite and egotist as a politician lucidity in judgement is wanting. And so the house of cards started tumbling down upon our hero.

Weiner insisted he had done nothing wrong and said he would fully cooperate with a House inquiry.

People who draw conclusions about me are free to do so,” Weiner said. “I’ve worked for the people of my district for 13 years and in politics for 20 years and I hope they see fit to see this in the light that it is.”
But in a new twist, the married Weiner also acknowledged that he had engaged in inappropriate contact with six women over the course of three years through social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook and occasionally over the phone. He said he had never met or had a physical relationship with any of the women and was not even sure of their ages. He also said he had never had sex outside of his marriage.

The news conference, unusually blunt even by New York standards, went on nearly half an hour and capped a week of double-entendre, tabloid-headlines and late-night jokesters’ snide comments. With eyes welling and voice breaking, Weiner fielded questions from dozens of shouting reporters as the cameras clicked.(2)

In New York State, the 9th District was always considered a shoe-in for the demonRATs. Not so anymore though as the last challenger to Weiner garnered a full 42% of the ballots in a squeaker.(3) Already greatly unpopular for his support of Obama, who in turn has been a staunch suporter of the Palestinian cause the orthodox Jewish population in the 9th is in a veritable uproar. That district has seen a marked change in religious and national origin demographics and the demonRATic political sharpies like homey liberal Chuckie-boy Schoo-fly know it. Whether Mr. Weiner realizes it or not he has become the next cheering passenger on the Obama bus to be thrown underneath it and his pal the senior senator from New York is greasing the skids of his demise.

Score one point for Dame Fate acting ‘in the public interest’.

(1) https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/01/anthony-weiner-twitter-photo_n_869769.html
(2) https://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/06/06/ap/business/main20069489.shtml
(3) https://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=43928

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One Comment

  1. Well…, it finally happened as we knew it would. The x-rated, oscene shot of Congressman Weiner surfaced(1). It’s hard to imagine that the demonRATic political machine in New York has not gone into emergency session to comply with the court order on re-districting and used Weiner’s district to satisfy that edict to eliminate one district. Why allow this to drag on through his self-imposed “leave of absence”? Many folks in my home state and likely all outside of it don’t realize how hypocritical this bum actually is. This sicko actually sponsored, if you can believe it, the Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators Act of 2007, which is also known as the KIDS Act of 2007.(2) Remember this is the same guy who said he did nothing illegal.

    “OUT…, OUT DAMNED SPOT.” Enough of this pervert already. Where are the indictments?
    (1) https://gawker.com/5809909/anthony-weiners-cock-shot-emerges
    (2) https://thomas.loc.gov/home/gpoxmlc110/h719_ih.xml

  2. Weiner Exposed Again!

    What is it with this guy? Here’s a little excerpt from a piece that displays how this hypocrite thinks he’s special and can flaunt the law at will:
    “When Weiner (D-Queens, Brooklyn) was photographed by the Daily News fleeing the Capitol in his Nissan Pathfinder, it was clear the July 2007 registration sticker in his window was expired, and there was no inspection sticker to be seen. Weiner, through a staffer, said the 1988 Nissan Pathfinder was registered in New York State.
    Not so, said the state Department of Motor Vehicles.
    The New York license plate bolted on Weiner’s Pathfinder – US Congress 9 – had expired as of 2006, according to the DMV.
    “That license plate should not be on a car,” a DMV spokeswoman said. It wasn’t even issued to the Pathfinder, but to another one of Weiner’s cars, a Honda, according to vehicle records.”
    Source: https://hotair.com/archives/2011/06/13/new-weiner-scandal-license-plate-fraud/

    1. This is just another day at the office for a Democrat. They believe laws, regulations, fee’s, etc, apply to their “subjects” and not their own “ruling class.”

      I call it Government Exempt. Just like the license plates.

  3. FINALLY! Under great political duress from his own kind Anthony Weiner finally announced that he’s stepping down. The poster-boy for political arrogance of the progressive left is now history.

    By the way Nancy…When are you going to start draining the swamp of the rest of your comrades in arms?

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