Gitmo Military Trials to Start Back Up
After a very lengthy pause in deciding the fate of the Gitmo detainees, coupled with a raging battle on whether to hold expensive civilian trials for the Gitmo prisoners here in America, the Obama administration and DOJ Chief Eric Holder announced yesterday that the military trials will continue at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This is proving to be another example of an issue that was mishandled with an incompetence that seems to have become a pattern within this administration. Didn’t Barack Hussein Obama promise to close Gitmo within one year of taking office? The answer is that yes he did, and he has now been in office twice that long. When asking ourselves just what happened in this situation and why have the terrorist trials been put off for so long, we must take a closer look at Mr. Eric Holder and his background to gain some true perspective.
Mr. Holder was exposed as being a former Senior Partner in a law firm that was representing several Gitmo detainees by Michelle Malkin in an article back in Nov., 2009* In it she points out that:
“If you’ve been paying attention, you already know all about AG Eric Holder and his DOJ staff’s national security conflict of interest as senior partner with Covington & Burling — the prestigious Washington, D.C. law firm, which represents 17 Yemenis currently held at Gitmo.
After a quarter-century as a government lawyer, Holder joined the prestigious Covington & Burling business and corporate law firm.His salary jumped from under $200,000 as deputy U.S. Attorney General for the Clinton administration to more than $2 million a year as a Covington & Burling senior partner. During 2008, Holder spent countless hours away from his corporate office working for the Obama campaign—raising money, fielding calls, making speeches. “I hope the management committee is going to be real understanding when they see my billable hours this year,” Holder joked to The American Lawyer. It’s an investment, of course, and the law firm will get its political dividends later.”
That is a remarkable jump in salary from being a government lawyer at $200k a year to the C & B gig at over $2 million a year. Who says government service doesn’t pay well? It sure set Holder up well in the end. So I suppose the riches stopped pouting into Holder’s bank account when he took the job of being Obama’s DOJ Chief right? Well not quite, as we see further on in Michelle Malkin’s article:
“Covington & Burling will make a separation payment valued at between $1 million and $5 million, plus a repayment of up to $1 million from the firm’s capital account, plus a retirement plan of up to $500,000. His net worth: $5.7 million. Reflecting on his past eight years raking in the dough and watching him schmooze friends and clients from his “elegant new Manhattan offices,” an American Lawyer profile observed: “Life is good for private citizen Eric Holder, Jr.” President Obama and the missus, such outspoken detractors of climbing the corporate ladder and influence-peddling, were unavailable for comment.”
Keeping this background in mind, fast forward to Holder’s actions and statements when he was dead set on holding civilian trials for the Gitmo terrorists right here in America. These show trials would be enormously expensive to start with. Then in his own determination, Holder ordered the Gitmo terrorists to have American rights to lawyers to represent them, at the taxpayers expense, of course. So who will represent these terrorists and rake in the big money for their lengthy show trails? You guessed it, Covington and Burlington, Holder’s old buddies and cash cow extraordinaire jumped right up and ‘volunteered’ their service. Sure looks like a serious conflict of interest here, right ? Nothing to see here folks, move on.
Covington and Burling gleefully agreed to represent the terrorists ‘pro bono’ or for “free”. Common sense dictates that a law firm cannot do pro bono work on a grand scale such as this, and still afford to throw millions of dollars at short-term employees such as the lucrative deal Holder received. So why did it take so long for Holder to agree to proceed with the military trials? It turns out that he was busy trying to order our Congress to strip language that would prevent Gitmo detainees from being tried in civilian court or imprisoned within the U.S.A from the appropriations bill back at the end of 2009. If this whole situation isn’t about political payback schemes, why is the DOJ Chief sending letters to Congressional leaders about the Gitmo trials? The answer to that question is that the DOJ, Holder and Obama were once again trying to nullify the powers of Congress for their own political power grab. This was evident by the fact that Obama is on record as stating back in May 2009, that he backed the trying of suspected terrorists in ordinary civilian courts.
Couple that fact with another one involving Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, who was convicted of conspiracy to damage or destroy U.S. property with explosives, yetwas acquitted of some 280 other counts, including murder, relating to his alleged role in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa, largely due to Holder’s craving civilian trails for terrorists. He received a pathetic 20 years to life sentence for being a terrorist bomber that killed 224 people and left thousands injured as he was convicted on only one count in his N.Y.C. civilian show trial in which Eric Holder was the puppet-master pulling the perverted strings of this injustice. This Al-Qaeda member who was involved with 2 U. S.embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, and whom was on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list when captured , was convicted on only one simple count of ‘conspiracy.’
So now we are finally going to get some real justice for the Gitmo terrorists, and you can be sure it will not be as ridiculous as the outcome of the massively expensive N.Y.C show trial mentioned above, which was masterminded by Eric Holder’s perverted sense of justice.