Tuscon Massacre and The Delusional Left
Keith Olbermann, the Washington Post, Sheriff Dupnik and the rest of the radical left are once again wrong – borderline delusional in-fact. Olbermann and WaPo blame “political rhetoric” for Jared’s lapse of sanity. Sheriff Dupnik said that it was due to a bigotry and prejudice. None of those could possibly be further from the truth.
Jared Loughner was, and probably still is, off his rocker. He believed that the government was controlling people through grammar. In all of his ramblings, there was no particular party that he attacked – no popular ideology that he seemed to back – just mind control, some anarchist ramblings and his ideas on currency.
Jared did seem concerned that the U.S. dollar was not backed by a precious metal. Around that, some debate could be had. He also was working to foster his own currency .. that’s where it goes from discussion to delusion.
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik’s statements were more hurtful than helpful.
“When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous,” said the sheriff. “And unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of the capital. We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry.”
This does not appear to be a hate crime or anything motivated by race or prejudice. The only one talking as if this tragedy was racially or hate-motivated is Sheriff Dupnik. Political aspirations there Dupester?
Of course, it wouldn’t be a liberal pile-on without The New York Times. With an editorial entitled “Bloodshed and Invective in Arizona”, the old grey lady is just what she used to be.
..it is legitimate to hold Republicans and particularly their most virulent supporters in the media responsible for the gale of anger that has produced the vast majority of these threats, setting the nation on edge. Many on the right have exploited the arguments of division, reaping political power by demonizing immigrants, or welfare recipients, or bureaucrats.
Apparently, the all-knowing editor doesn’t believe this “see how terrible the Conservatives are” speech is adding to the anger that he or she so much derides. Where is the blame for those that “demonize” the wealthy, wall street bankers, the religious right, the anti-abortionists? Why are those angry folks not to blame? What about those that would force government-run health care, FCC take-over of the internet, or the destruction of California’s agricultural center down the throats of a disapproving majority? They aren’t part of the anger?
The editorial is an example of the imaginary problem it purports to solve. The anger from the right is a response to the oppressive “we know what’s better for you” attitude from the left. It is the typical oppression vs. liberty struggle that has gone on far longer than the history of this nation, but that is not the real problem.
John M. Roll, Christina Taylor Green, Gabe Zimmerman, Phylis Schneck and Pamela Simon did not die because of Jared Lee Loughner’s alignment to or agreement with either progressive liberalism or Conservatism. They were not attacked because of weak or strong borders, abortion, government spending nor military activity. They died because a crazy man decided he was going to kill some people, damned the consequences. Once someone is committed to doing something regardless of the consequences, laws cannot stop them. Laws are about consequences – if you do a thing, here is the penalty. If someone cares not about the penalty, the law is ineffective. There are many things which the government cannot prevent – this was one of them.
No information has surfaced that says that Jared was an avid watcher/listener of Beck, Rush, O’Reilly, Levin or any other Conservative talk show. Why does the Times editor make that accusation? In fact, Jared seems to have been driven to this over his disdain for supposed government-run mind control using grammar as the method. That is hardly a tea party plank and I am fairly certain that neither Palin, Bush nor Sean Hannity have made that claim. I am certain that any sane Conservative would dismiss that theory out-of-hand.
Blaming Conservatives for this tragedy is a despicable attempt by a few left-wingers to further their own causes. If liberals need to know where to find fault, they can place the blame squarely on the shoulders of Jared Lee Loughner. He committed a terrible act and will face trail for it. Blaming anything or anyone else is in itself .. a great delusion.