The Clear Vision and Voice of Oriana Fallaci
Oriana Fallaci was a remarkable woman who saw the truth and did not hesitate to speak and write about it.
As I read about her life – as I learn about what she endured to get to the heart of a matter either in an interview or in her writing, I become more and more enamored with her.
I admit it freely; I have placed her on a pedestal.
Some of the things that she said were in reference to what was going on in Europe, but I am seeing them unfold here in America, and I am incredulous. Taken aback. Shocked.
And validated.
I too felt this way.
I am not alone after all.
Oriana has been laid to rest for four years now.
I wonder what she would say to us, American brothers and sisters, as she sees the drama of the Cordoba Project unfold in front of the world…
I have no problem imagining her repeating these words:
The Muslims refuse our culture and try to impose their culture on us. I reject them, and this is not only my duty toward my culture-it is toward my values, my principles, my civilization.
Oriana Fallaci
Or maybe these:
The moment you give up your principles, and your values, you are dead, your culture is dead, your civilization is dead. Period.
Oriana Fallaci
Below is an excerpt from the Encyclopedia of World Biography Web Page.
When you read it, you will be amazed at how clearly it points out what is going on in our own country.
She retreated from public view somewhat, producing the occasional novel, until the events of 9/11 roused her ire and prompted a new nonfiction book, La Rabbia e l’orgoglio , (The Rage and the Pride), which became a bestseller in Italy. In it she wrote of Islam’s centuries-long desire to conquer Europe, and asserted that the growing Muslim communities in major European cities were becoming a danger to the continent. The democratic ideals which granted such communities the freedom to practice their religion were, she argued, threatening the stability of the West.
Voiced Concern about Islam
Muslims in Europe, Fallaci fumed in The Rage and the Pride , “demand, and obtain, the construction of new mosques. They who in their countries don’t even let the Christians build a tiny chapel, and who so often slaughter the nuns or the missionaries.”
Oriana Fallaci was an atheist. She had no religious chip on her shoulder, no self-righteous bone to pick. She simply saw naked truth, like the child in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. Just like the innocent eyes of the child who saw all things clearly and could not fathom why the adults around him would remain silent, she too had clear vision. And also like the child, she had no problem in allowing her voice to ring out above the din of the crowd. She did not swallow her words in fear, or misguided respect.
The seductive illusion – the mirage of the “religion of peace” fades away with just one truthful statement by Oriana. I can’t help but think of the stubbornness of the men and women behind the New York Cordoba Project, curiously slated to have its Grand Opening on September 11th, 2011, (the selection of the date – mere coincidence, I’m sure.) Despite repeated attempts to purchase the property and persuade them to move this building project elsewhere, all efforts are deliberately ignored. They even have the unmittigated gall to ask for Federal funding.
The entire purpose of this project to educate more and more Americans about Islam. If the furtherance of Islam in America will bring in the practice of Sharia, and if Sharia is not healthy for our country, (and anyone who takes the time to study it will know this is true), then why would we give our finances to bring about our own sorrow?
American brothers and sisters, we may find ourselves listening to reports like this here in America:
or this:
There is already one Sharia court in Texas – a Patriot’s state if ever there was one.
Were you aware that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has called America a Sharia compliant State?
What is so tragic is that he thought he was paying us a compliment!
The battle in Oklahoma continues: A people who voted overwhelmingly for Sharia to never gain a foothold have been ignored. A judge, full of their own intellect or frightened to death, I know not which, has put the ruling on hold.
Did you ever think you would see the American Voice silenced in such a way over the issue of whether or not foreign law would be practiced here?
When did our Constitution become “not enough”?
Oriana saw many warning signs and was outspoken. She wrote freely and
“The book caused such a stir that she was even charged under an obscure Italian law prohibiting hate speech against a religion recognized by the state. The controversy continued when she penned a response to her critics, La Forza della ragione (Strength of Reason), which appeared in 2004.”
What? Hate Speech? Do you mean that someone else has used that lame excuse to silence wisdom?
Oriana, like the child who observed the Emperor marching down the street in falsified glory, saw an equally false, yet frighteningly more dangerous movement parading down the streets of her fair country. In the story, the child’s voice silenced all manner of flattery and false respect toward an unworthy recipient. Oriana’s voice was used to expose something much more threatening. And she succeeded
She touched a nerve to the point where they tried to silence her, yet she was silenced only by her passing away.
When, I wonder, will we open our own mouths?
And what will be the results of our voices rising above the din?
Has anyone ever thought of what would have happened if the child in The Emperor’s New Clothes had remained silent? The results would have been a leader continuing to reign (badly) while being full of his own importance.
Does this remind you of anyone?
The results would have been a country’s citizens living as if they were free, when really they would only have been prisoners – abiding under the shadow of a lie they were afraid to expose.
Let us not be silent when so much is at stake.