P.C. Police Attack Glenn Beck for Show on Soros
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), otherwise known as the Politically-Correct Police, have decided that Glenn Beck must be condemned and *SURPRISE* the HuffingtonPost agrees.
Glenn Beck devoted significant time this last week to exposing George Soros, the left-wing extremist (otherwise known as “liberal”) billionaire for what he is – a destructive force against the free people of the world.
In some ways, I agree with the ADL. The information on Soros was “horrific” – where I disagree was that Beck was untruthful.
Soros has, by his own admission been the behind-the-scenes financier and strategist in more than one national coup. What’s seriously flawed in the post’s reporting is that they say that Beck played Soros for a Nazi sympathizer. That’s not what Beck did. Instead, Soros was portrayed as an agnostic. He just hasn’t done anything to protect Judaism or Israel. Even in the quote that the author used he failed to make it anything other than what Beck said:
..when he had to go over and take the lands from the people…who were being sent to the gas chambers, I can’t imagine what that would do to a teenager, anybody, an adult. Well, what did it do to George Soros? In an interview with Steve Kroft, Soros was asked if he felt guilt at all about taking the property from the Jews as a teenager. He responded, ‘no.’ He also said, ‘I don’t deny the Jews their right to a national existence, but I don’t want to be a part of it.
At what point does Beck say that he’s a Nazi? This article just continues to show the radical left-wing media for what it is – biased and untrustworthy. Arianna has giant hate groups like ADL to help spread her unfair, horrific and offensive messages which makes it much more difficult to get the truth out. Heck, here’s the Media Matters video the author tried to use to make his false point:
The important point here is that Arianna Huffington, the Huffington Post and the ADL are all protecting an evil man – George Soros. A man that has promised to give his own life if it would take down America.
While a naive progressive uses Beck’s words in an attempt to prove him a P.C. Offender, the author’s own quotes and vidieo show Soros to be the maniac that he is.
The ADL has positioned itself as being against anti-semitism, but protects Soros. Their motives are clear, but not clearly stated.
The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.”
How is the defense of a monster like Soros “fair treatment” or protection of the Jewish people. Many would argue that Glenn Beck, Fox News, and Conservatives have done far more to protect Israel and her Jewish people than Obama and the far-left extremists.
Of Course, Arianna’s rag attacks anyone that isn’t out to destroy America. In an unrelated article, the Huffington Post goes after Megyn Kelly for .. laughing – nevermind that Megyn just announced that she’s pregnant – hormones perhaps? The real story is about a medical procedure to cool heart attack victims using special techniques. Kelly gets giggly when she posits that perhaps throwing a spouse in the freezer isn’t the answer. You’d think Arianna would understand, having daughters of her own, but she’s just go-for-the-throat progressive, just like the ADL.
Truth is unimportant.
Apparently, ADL didn’t see the part of the series where Soros was videotaped saying that, “…there are enough Jews in Israel.” and other such defaming quotes. Of course, the ADL may also be an astroturfed benefactor of Soros money…We certainly know HuffPo is so, their sniveling can be dismissed outright.
That’s a great point. I did some preliminary research into ADL, but wasn’t able to figure out how they are funded quick enough for this article.
I am looking into spending a few weeks on an ADL, ACLU, etc article with real financial links.