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Sun-Sentinel Reports: Seniors Citizens Are Abandoning the Democratic Party

Pembroke Pines, FL. – Whether it’s for runaway deficit spending or for a government takeover of healthcare that directly jeopardizes Medicare services for seniors, Democrat voters who grew up under Franklin D. Roosevelt and recall fondly the days of John F. Kennedy are now leaving the Democratic Party in droves.

Please read William Gibson’s article, “Worried about national debt, older Florida voters may turn against Democrats in elections” in the September 19thissue of the Sun-Sentinel.

Senior citizens are rightly concerned about the radical agenda of the modern Democratic Party- unsustainable deficit spending that directly threatens their children and grandchildren’s prosperity, along with the federal government’s takeover of health care system, also known as “ObamaCare”- comprise an agenda that will have terrible consequences for seniors.  Substantial cuts to Medicare occur almost immediately as ObamaCare’s provisions begin to implement.  These cuts to Medicare are estimated at $500 billion dollars over the next ten years- these are not merely cuts that are projected for people who retire in the future.

Medicare’s Chief Actuary has publicly stated that two-thirds of hospitals already lose money on services to Medicare patients, even before the implementation of cuts that are mandated by ObamaCare. If Medicare will be cutting back reimbursements to doctors and hospitals, the bottom line for senior citizens is that they will not receive many of the basic services that they’ve come to expect through Medicare.  Doctors who have specialized in serving senior citizens will also be seriously affected by these cuts, forcing many of them out of business- these are the harmful consequences of ObamaCare that will directly impact the responsiveness of our health care system for seniors.

“More and more senior citizens are coming to the realization that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is not a Democrat in the vein of either John F. Kennedy or Franklin D. Roosevelt, and that the Democratic Party is no longer the Party that represents the interests of the senior citizens,” said Karen Harrington, the Republican nominee for challenging Debbie Wasserman Schultz  in Florida’s 20th District.  “Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, along with President Obama, represent a new kind of Democrat that believes in unprecedented levels of government intervention and control– from previously unimaginable levels of unsustainable deficit spending, to the government’s takeover of our health care system that will directly jeopardize the quality of health care that citizens will receive- these are direct assaults on our liberties as well as the principles our nation was founded upon.  The District’s senior citizens are becoming more aware that the agenda of the Democrat Party not only threatens their economic prosperity, but the hopes that they have for their children and grandchildren to live in a free and prosperous society,” said Harrington.

*from a press release provided to CDN by Karen Harrington for Congress, Inc
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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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