The Ground Zero Mosque Organization: a Twitter Interview
Today on twitter I asked the Ground Zero Mosque Organization, @Park51, a simple question. I did not recieve a simple answer.
StopObama2012: Do you condemn Hamas as a Terrorist Organization? Tweet
Park51: We don’t engage foreign politics. We’re working to build moderate Muslim communities BTW how’s stopping Obama going? ^_^ Tweet
As you can see thats a blantant attempt to tap dance away from the issue. Sorry, I don’t play softball on terrorism.
StopObama2012: I call yr answer a No, U wnt condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization. Therefor U have no business calling yourselves Moderate Tweet
StopObama2012: Stopping Obama is going just fine, thank you Tweet
I can be civil 🙂 But my statement is true, if you won’t condemn terrorism or those that embrace it, you are not a moderate Muslim. But then denial gets worse.
Park51: Stop trying to drag us into int’l political debates. Happy to discuss American Muslim issues. Tweet
So asking if you will condemn terrorism and terrorist organizations is dragging people into political debates? Really? And is not Terrorism an American Muslim issue. Are there not American victims of terrorism in all faiths and creeds?
StopObama2012: I asked you a simple question, you refuse to answer. Your showing your true colors, your not moderate at all. Tweet
StopObama2012: As the Imam is currently touring the Middle East on the taxpayer dime, asking you about the MidEast & Hamas is relevant Tweet
Did I lie? Either you condemn terrorism, you don’t care, or support it. A “Moderate Muslim” would condemn it. And the Imam is indeed on a taxpayer funded tour courtesy of the State Department.
Roughly 2 hours later I recieved a reply
Park51: The State Dept thinks Imam Feisal is ok to speak on US issues. He’s an ambassador, it’s not his place to play politics. Tweet
I found this laughable and quickly took it apart.
StopObama2012: Does not an Ambassador play politics? Tweet
StopObama2012: And yet he has made political statements, like blaming the USA for 9/11 Tweet
Here’s the story.
“I wouldn’t say that the United States deserved what happened, but the United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened”
That’s well beyond criticism to me, and factually inaccurate.
The Response
Park51: Well Kissinger did. But I don’t think that’s the role of inter-country outreach. Tweet
StopObama2012: Oh and refusing to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization, just like you Tweet
Because that also, is a political statement, or non-statement if you will.
StopObama2012: An Ambassador is a political position, your dancing in circles
Park51: I don’t think he blamed the USA, but he may have questioned historical policy decisions tweet
You saw the above video, you tell me. Ahh and then they get testy.
Park51: What is your point? We pick a moderate and he has to pass your grain of sand test? How fair is that? Who would you nominate? tweet
Lets see, he wants to see America more Sharia compliant, won’t condemn terrorist organizations, and hold’s American policies responsible for 9/11. Doesn’t sound very moderate to me.
StopObama2012: Ahh spin. The point is that neither he, nor you are moderate, or you would have sought a different location in the first place tweet
StopObama2012: And you would also condemn all terrorist organizations and acts of terrorism carried out in the name of Islam tweet
Ohh your really going to love the answer
Park51: So in your mind, it our place to issue blanket condemnations of any group you deem unworthy? #thatsfair Tweet
I was under the impression that not just I, but the State Department as well, had condemned them as a Terrorist Organization
Why yes, here they are in a State Department Report:
From December 27, 2008, through January 17, 2009, the IDF conducted a major military operation in Gaza. Israel and Hamas, a State Department-designated foreign terrorist organization that violently seized power in Gaza in June 2007, declared separate truces to end the fighting. Occasional small clashes continue to occur along the border.
How about that. Guess I just didn’t pick and choose, huh.
StopObama2012: Are terrorist Organizations worthy?? Hamas, Hezboallah? Are they worthy? Al-Shabab? Need more? tweet
StopObama2012: See, here’s your trap, you say you are a moderate in the religion of peace, yes? Yet you refuse to condemn those that act with violence in it’s name Tweet
There has yet to be a response. If I recieve one I will update this post. Suffice to say The organization behind the Ground Zero Mosque is not “Moderate.”
While not openly “Radical” They clearly will not take a stand against, or condemn radical behavoir. It really is a simple question. If you ask me if I condemn the KKK I would reply, “Hell Yea”, “Of course”, and “Everyday and twice on Sunday.” Yet they refuse to condemn known terrorist organizations.
There are many questions left unanswered by this organization, such as how can a man, that was a waiter in 2002, get 4.8 million dollars cash to pay for it in 2006?
More on the background of the Imam from PJTV:
And from Hannity
I call for an investigation into this Mosque’s Imam and the organization, most importantly, follow the money. Something is being hidden and need’s to be brought to light.
Great conversation. Truth and honest questions on one side. Dodge ball and blatant miss-direction on the other end. These assholes need to take it all back to Mecca and shove it. I am sick of the hypocrisy of islam. < islam spelled in lowercase is not a typo, it is a sign of my lack of earned respect for this CULT or MILITIA. It hardly fits the scope of a loving religion. It also should not qualify for protection under the United States Constitution. Here is my favorite islam tweet.
@NotaLemming islam is NOT A RELIGION. It is a violent global militia and deserves NO CONSTITUTIONAL protection as a religion.
Now, if you do not mind….. I have a pork BBQ sandwich to finish eating. Would you be so kind as to pass the bacon bits for my salad please, and oh yes ill take another cold draft of BEER!.
As usual those promoting the NY mosque as an outreach/educational center are in direct conflict with their own rhetoric. There is nothing remotely suggesting that they are interested in education, unless they are referring to a madrasa. The only outreach happening is the mosque being shoved in the face of America.
Despite the protests, and the pain this is causing, they are choosing to proceed. Though the Governor offered an alternative, which in my opinion is appeasement, they remain committed to the site.
How can this be interpreted in any other way. It is designed to commemorate their “victory” over the infidels, the American people. Sadly, I believe it will further incite terrorist attacks. As once it is built it will become another ‘holy islamic site.” Any injustice they perceive, at that site, will demand, according to the Koran” a fatwah or jihad.
Just ask the Israeli’s if there is any doubt to how permanent a mosque becomes once it is built.