The Left Does Not Get Gun Rights
Huffington Post has an article that goes nuts worrying about men carrying guns around… children. I was ten when I handled my first gun, twelve when I was given my first rifle – by my mother. I had to comment. Heck we all should.. they haven’t a clue why the second amendment is important. They are mind-melded to their chosen ones in Congress and can’t think for themselves.
A car driven by a crack-infested druggie is scarier to me than an unloaded gun carried by a responsible citizen. The left have no idea what their rights are for and are therefor willing to give them up at the request of their leaders.
The second amendment is there to insure that the government cannot de-fang the citizenry to which they should be answerable. Libs are trying to make sure that we are all as sheepish and ignorant as they are.