Obama's Policies Not Going the Distance
Other than Jimmy Carter, I am not sure we’ve had a President in recent history with so many policies that failed so dramatically so fast. President Obama promised that he would do health care reform, wall street reform, and then he had his Keynesian stimulus policies tested. So far, the mighty Obama.. has struck out.
Cash for clunkers: clearly the best medicine for ailing Detroit (which we Citizens had invested heavily in 2/3 of. Certainly, the pouring of tons of federal dollars (a.k.a. your money) would help float the unions .. I mean manufacturers.. so that they help the economy recover. Well, not really. In fact, it shows that $3 Billion of tax payer money, does not buy happiness – or economic recovery as the case may be. In fact, it may have delayed the recovery by 4-6 months as the industry was already seeing an upward slope in sales until the program caused them to see a quarter-over-quarter sales rate loss during the program. One whole month showed a spike, after which a devastating drop in sales showed up, well below where the manufacturer’s numbers were before the program began.
If that wasn’t the medicine of truth, how about the truth about medicine? Health care reform has now been cast into daylight – burns a little doesn’t it? The government’s own Congressional Budget Office is saying that the program does not cut costs or the deficit now that the facts are known, doctors are dropping Medicare patients at unprecedented rates, pharmacies are running away from the program and even Canada, Oh Canada, is re-factoring it’s overly-expensive, government-run system (I know, not Obama’s fault, but he did try to model this mess after them). Then again, Speaker Pelosi did honestly say that Americans would find out what was in the bill once it got passed – we’re learning.
Then we have the President’s wall street reform (aka Financial Reform). Even the liberal media admits that the financial reform bill doesn’t end “too big to fail”.
So cash for clunkers turned into your cash in the toilet, health care reform has given your cash to the reformers, and the financial reform doesn’t do anything to prevent your cash from disappearing into the bowels of Wall street. The President is claiming success on all of these things, and is thrilled about the Duke jersey he scored. The rest of us.. not sure what we’re getting for well over $3,5 trillion dollars in reforms and stimulus.
So what’s an all talk, no action President supposed to do? Well, ours is talking more – this time about cap-and-trade, alternate energy, and cap-and-trade policy, more new policy. So far.. he’s Oh-for-three. Can he take batting .000 after four at-bats? .000 with the bases loaded even? Sure he can – his contract isn’t up until 2012. Let’s not renew it.