Universal Health Care in UK and Debt to GDP Ratio Worse than Greece
The Obama administration and liberal Congress have been telling us that health care reform is absolutely necessary to reduce national deficits. In a Guardian article, Katie Allen reports that although Britain has the National Health Service (full universal health care), it’s deficits are climbing to rates that make Greece look fiscally-responsible.
European commission’s spring forecasts put UK budget deficit this year at 12% of GDP – the highest in the European Union and worse than Treasury estimates .. The country’s budget shortfall was the third largest in the EU last year but will overtake both Greece and Ireland this year, according to the forecasts. Greece’s measures to tackle its public finances problems are projected to cut its deficit to 9.3% of GDP.
The article doesn’t go into the major causes of the excessive spending, but in looking up UK budget spending, it appears that 28% is on our equivalent to Social Security and the second biggest expense is the National Health Service (national health care). But, we were told that nationalizing health care would curb deficits?
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I’m doing a research paper on Universal Healthcare and the impact it will have on the United States. How long does it take for a UK citizens to see a doctor? Can they see a doctor immediately? Do you have any advice about what the US should do on this matter? I need imformation, please!
Well, by posting in the comment section of an older post you may not get many responses. The NHS has done what Obama’s cabinet is doing, flooding the internet and buying up search terms so make sure you are careful to understand from whom you are getting the information. If the URL (web address) contains “NHS” then know that the govt is providing the information and has an interest in making it seem rosier. Since I don’t want to affect your position for your research paper, here are some great links:
NHS govt site on wait times (grain of salt and all): https://www.nhs.uk/choiceintheNHS/Rightsandpledges/Waitingtimes/Pages/Guide%20to%20waiting%20times.aspx
here are real British women’s experiences waiting for specialists so they could have a baby: https://www.pregnancyquiz411.com/articles/how-long-do-you-wait-to-see-a-fertility-specialist-on-the-nhs/
Some interesting statistics from a Brit: https://logicalconclusion.net/2011/02/the-nhs-is-second-best-more-like-second-rate/
Hope some of this helps with your project.