2010 Election Story Worsening After Obama's Interview

Obama did an interview with George Stephanopoulos where he said that he should have been more direct with the American people to help them understand what their core beliefs are.  Well, congratulations, the Obama death wish on Democrat candidates continues.

Obama managed to turn the Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts elections over to the GOP, just by talking.  Blaming Bush, talking to us like we’re children, and basically ignoring the wishes of the voting public have not worked.  Obama has now helped seal the fate of many more elections.  In recent Rasmussen polls we see that Democrats are going to have to stop whistling by the grave yard:

These are just the ones with recent polling data.  As we discover more, we’ll add them in.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. The GOP which professes to be a “big tent” political party despite ostensibly contradictory evidence is trying to co-opt the tea party for its own political advantage. You notice Michael Steele’s remark that (paraphrase) “we have to work together to defeat Obama’s agenda.” Where are the proactive commands? How do you scale down the deficit by pruning taxes? How do you repair the health care matter? While I am very angered at dems in congress and, to a certain extent Obama and his advisors, for not being more aggressive in getting the facts out, I also think that while the repubs have realized momentum by blanket resistance the tide is about to turn. You have to promote ideas seconded by verifiable information that are good for the land

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