Health Care Reform Update
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Many of us have always believed that greed is one of the factors that make our healthcare system the most expensive in the world.. Government has a place in keeping businesses…lawyers, drug companies, doctors, insurance companies…from making excessive profits off of people who can least afford it.
Even Republicans are starting to get behind the concept that government intervention on behalf of consumers is not only necessary…it is also good.
If we can put arbitrary caps on jury awards, we can put those same caps on the profits that drug companies, hospitals, doctors and insurance companies make.
Tort reform in itself will only save our 2 trillion dollar a year healthcare system about 0.5%
In itself…not a significant amount. But if you take the concept further and start putting caps not only on lawyers, but doctors, hospitals , insurance companies and drug companies…now you are talking real savings.
Government limits to jury awards. Yes.
Government limits to doctors fees. Yes
Government limits to drug companies profits. Yes
Government limits to insurance companies profits. Yes
Now we are all talking the same language
Quoted from Norris:
“Government limits to jury awards. Yes.
Government limits to doctors fees. Yes
Government limits to drug companies profits. Yes
Government limits to insurance companies profits. Yes”
Unfortunately, the only part of your plan that is constitutional in our country is the limit to Jury awards. Congress has no enumerated power that would allow them to limit the income of a company or individual. Whether we like it or not, we have to abide by the Constitution.
I would agree that greed, or perhaps better yet, gluttony does play a part in health care costs. Because the actual costs are not seen by the patient, we don’t allow market forces to work. Insurance and government programs hide those things from us. Entitlement is a form of greed, me me me.
Government intervention will further hide the cost from us and health care will spiral into disrepair/bankruptcy in short order.