
With Enemies Like These Who Needs Friends

There have been myriad posts recently about how our current leadership is apologizing for us, alienating our allies and endearing our enemies. What these articles have not made clear is how many friends we are ditching and how vehemently we are befriending the violent totalitarians of our day.

Just today, press secretary Robert Gibbs spent his working hours explaining to the media how ok it was that Obama was not having a meeting with the prime minister of…. England while the PM was in the U.S. for the U.N. General Assembly meeting.  It might seem somewhat overblown, but Obama turned down no fewer than FIVE direct requests from the British leadership to meet.  Five.  From an ally.  FIVE!   But he will meet with Amenijad or Chavez or  without pre-conditions.  Obama has actually had no issues with one-on-one meetings with China’s hu Jintao and Russia’s Medvedev .  Why these leaders and not one of America’s closest allies.  Why?

The apologetic attitude that Obama has taken in international speeches is unforgivable at best and possibly treasonous.  He is not defending this country nor its constitution and he took an oath to do both.

Obama has set the Isreali-Palestinian converstion back 30+ years by de-negotitating everything that has been gathered so far and empowering a Palestine government that is nearly-leaderless, certainly lawless, unforgivably murderous, and down-right mean.

With the Mexican violence happening to our south, and the Obama administration cutting border agents along the southern border by almost 400…  don’t be upset when no one supports us when we have to fight back against the onslaught of Mexican violence.

We are walking away from true friends and supporting those that do not want us as friends, they just want us to continue to let them spread death, hate and dispare.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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