Editorial Cartoons

Phony Baloney COVID -19 – Ben Garrison Cartoon

Phony Baloney

Is it about the virus? Or is it about the election.

Eric Trump said it best:

“They (Democrats) think they are taking away Donald Trump’s greatest tool, which is being able to go into an arena and fill it with 50,000 people every single time. You watch, they’ll milk it every single day between now and Nov. 3. And guess what, after Nov. 3 coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen.”

“Stay at Home.” There was NO reason for it!

Knut Wittowski, an epidemiologist, is arguing that the draconian government lockdowns are based on bad science and that we could “open up again and forget the whole thing” if we wanted too.

“Firstly, we have the direct consequences: suicides, domestic violence and other social consequences leading to death,” Wittkowski said of the lockdowns. “And then we have people who are too scared to go to the hospitals for other problems like strokes or heart attacks. So people stay away from hospitals because of the Covid fear. And then they die.”

“Shutting down schools, driving the economy against the wall — there was no reason for it,” Wittkowski said. “The only reason that this nonsense now goes on and on, and people are inventing things like this ‘second wave,’ which is going to force us to change society and never live again, is that the politicians are afraid of admitting an error.”

Wittowski interview with Spiked:

“Social Distancing” This is only hurting human relationships and making citizens into clowns as they wear pool noodle hats and inner tubes around their waists to maintain the six foot apart rule. Why six? why not ten? or five? Who came up with this nonsense?

“New Normal?”  No Way!

People are waking up. Anit-lockdown (tyranny) protests erupt in German, Spain, UK and the Netherlands..more to come!  Global Tyranny is getting massive pushback from people all across the globe- we don’t call it the GREAT AWAKENING FOR Nothing!

Trump also confirms the Wuhan virus vaccine will NOT be mandatory!  Bill Gates hardest hit!

“Wear Your Mask?”  No thanks- we will NOT wear the mask of submission and it causes serious issues for healthy people!

We have seen covid-sheep wearing masks outside in the fresh air! Idiots!

We are old enough to remember when the CDC said- masks will not protect you from the virus!

Use common sense! Wash your hands, stay home if your sick and cover your mouth with your arm when you cough- we have lived though far worst flu seasons than the covid 19 “pandemic” and came out fine!

Remember don’t buy their baloney! This is the Deep State and China’s last gasp to take out Trump. Wait and see what happens if Biden wins in November..(he won’t) Covid-19 will magically disappear and China will dance a jig of relief!



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