Preacher: Sarah Palin Wrong to Compare Waterboarding to Holy Baptism

Photo: Rev. Rob Schenck (left) with Cheryl Schenck, Sarah Palin and Todd Palin, at their home in Wasilla, Alaska. (Photo courtesy of Cheryl Schenck, March 31, 2011, Wasilla, Alaska)
WASHINGTON, May 5, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ — Missionary to Capitol Hill, Rev. Rob Schenck, who attended the recent NRA convention where Governor Sarah Palin compared waterboardng to baptism, admonishes her to retract her statement in a blog posted today.
Schenck, who, in 2008, congratulated Palin on the platform in Dayton, Ohio after she was announced as GOP vice-presidential candidate, and who visited in with her in her Alaska home in 2011, writes that he remains an admirer. However, Schenck, who holds degrees in Bible, theology, religion, and Christian ministry, says Palin’s statement constitutes a serious error and is a form of heresy.
Rev. Schenck said about his post, “Governor Palin, as a Christian, made an egregious error that not only violates biblical doctrine, but places the lives of fellow Christians at risk around the world. I’ve sent a private message to her, but I decided to offer a correction publicly because her statement was public and needs to be corrected immediately.”
Schenck’s post can be found at his blog on

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