Atheist bullies force school to cancel graduation

Atheist bullies force school to cancel graduation

The godless extremists in the Freedom From Religion Foundation are notoriously unsatisfied with the extent to which faith has already been relegated in our society.
While deep red states have effectively removed God from any and all public forums, the FFRF often ventures into more traditional states to coerce them to do the same.
One of the group’s most recent targets is the Riverside School District in Arkansas – specifically, a sixth-grade graduation event that typically features a prayer involving students.
Superintendent Tommy Knight said he and the school board decided to cancel the ceremony at a recent meeting, which included a number of upset parents in attendance.
Kelly Adams, one such concerned parent, said she thinks “there were a lot of people hurt that our rights were taken away.”
The atheist group claimed to be representing an unidentified individual who complained about the prayer, though an affiliated attorney wrote it “makes no difference how many families want prayer or wouldn’t be offended by prayer at their graduation ceremony.”
The left often reads the Constitution only partially – and out of context – to support their own ideology. Atheist groups are among the loudest and most frequent offenders as they seek to distort the opinions of our founders and subsequent courts in their mission to erase any vestige of God from the American landscape.
Disappointing an entire sixth-grade class is nothing in the pursuit of their solitary goal.

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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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  1. Biullies is right.That’s all they are!! A sixthg rade class no less.Obama secretly wants us to be an atheist nation and we are becoming that under him.

  2. The school wasn’t bullied into cancelling the graduation. The school decided to cancel the graduation rather than forgoing the prayer. I realize you want to paint this story in a manner that favors your point of view, but lying seems very unChristian.

    It’s worth noting the school was planning on stopping the sixth-grade ceremony at some point anyway, this just seems to have accelerated that decision.

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