Women May Be Required to Register for Draft

Ending the ban on women in combat may have dire consequences for all American women.

While a bi-partisan campaign is being waged by two Representatives to to end draft registration in the United States, if Charlie Rangel gets his way, their proposal will not only be ignored, but completely turned around to make it MANDATORY for an expansion of the draft to include all women.

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  1. Admiting that I’ve grown ‘somewhat’ suspect any time this Administration want more personal information about us… Many of us of the ‘fairer sex’ have wailed incesently about ‘equal’ rights…So where is the complaint about ‘equal’ registration for draft?..With full acknowledgement & apprciation of all the physically fit & competent patriotic women that wish to serve ..this is what many of you asked for…equality. Call me old fashioned, but I am one female homosapien that doesn’t thing women should be in combat.

    1. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree, Jan! Women, as a whole, in this situation, get what they have asked for, and what they deserve, if this passes! I do not believe women belong in combat either. However, the feminists have pushed and pushed and pushed. They want to be equal. So be it! All I can do is pray my daughters don’t get caught up in the mess!

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