
Tea Party ‘Hobbits’ Confront McCain at Town Hall: ‘Are You Going to Apologize?’

When a Tea Party supporter asked John McCain for an apology over his Hobbit comments, he might not have given…

13 years ago

RNC Video – Change Direction II

Using Obama's own words and results to show the disparity between what he says and what he's done, this RNC…

13 years ago

Obama At The Bat

If you are familiar with Ernest Thayer's original poem, "Casey at the Bat", often considered one of baseball's greatest writings,…

13 years ago

Recipe For Disaster

Washington may call the recent "debt deal" necessary, but the "ingredients" that went into making the "deal" sometimes seem a…

13 years ago

Rich Man, Poor Man

Despite what the liberal media and the Democrat party tell you, the poor are getting richer. In fact, America's poor…

13 years ago

Spinning the Downgrade

On Friday, S&P downgraded the U.S. credit rating to AA+ from AAA. The downgrade report complained that the debt ceiling…

13 years ago

Money Madness

Here's a message from the people who are actually going to have to pay the $14 trillion... and growing... national…

13 years ago

You’re Gonna Pay [Video]

Punk rock music with a fiscally-sound message - who'd a thunk it. Of course there are drugged out monkeys and…

13 years ago

Matt Damon Is Disgusted!

Matt Damon is "so disgusted" with the debt limit and says he doesn't mind paying more taxes. Oh, what I…

13 years ago

Jesse Jackson: It’s Civil War vs. Civil Rights

Jesse Jackson posits the argument that Conservatives want to re-fight the civil war in order to destroy his civil rights.…

13 years ago

Winning the Future (a.k.a. WTF?) [Video]

Picking political slogans is a carefully thought-out and poll-tested process. Surely winning the future was a champion - its acronym…

13 years ago

Bachmann Releases New Video: Believe It

Michele Bachmann's campaign released a new campaign video where  she rails against another debt increase.

13 years ago

Armored Personnel Carrier vs. Mercedes [video]

Did the Mercedes park in the APC's parking spot? No, but park in a bike lane in Lithuania and this…

13 years ago

Small Businessman Asks Washington: “Are All of You Completely Crazy?

A youtube video that has begun its run to viraldome shows Jim Garvin, a small businessman, expressing exactly how the…

13 years ago

Liberalism and Child Play

I’m seeing a certain attitude from the left that I usually see in children. I’m talking actions that could be…

13 years ago