Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu predicted Republicans’ and Tea Partiers’ defeat over 2,500 years ago

Well before the government shutdown had begun, I knew it was a supremely stupid idea and a fight that would…

10 years ago

The idiocy of arms control treaties with Russia

During his SOTU speech, Obama announced his intention to cut the barely-adequate US nuclear arsenal even further, below the 1,550…

11 years ago

Interview with Mark McNeilly, author of “Sun Tzu and the Art of Modern Warfare”

In January, we published our review of Mark McNeilly's book, Sun Tzu and the Art of Modern Warfare, an excellent…

11 years ago

Why deep defense cuts MUST be avoided at all costs

I could just as well title this article "why defense must always be fully funded" or "why America must always…

11 years ago