On Friday, the Social Security Administration (SSA) released a draft of a proposed rulemaking that would supposedly bring the agency…
When one faction of politicians makes a principled stance and threatens to shut down the government, the opposing faction likes…
$800 billion in tax increases form the center of President Obama's new budget plan with some $1.2 Billion in cuts…
"Madoff duped a handful of well-off investors…meanwhile the Social Security program is duping generations of all classes of investors…" –Dr.…
What do Great Britain, Australia, Argentina, Peru, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Russia and Chile have in common? They all have privatized…
Some of the more excitable members of the conservative Internet commentariat sounded battle stations when they learned the Social Security…
Comparing the amount of money spent to the size of the economy, the group uses powerpoint-esque animations to help children,…
In February of last year, conservative commentator George Will gave a great lecture at the Navy War College in Rhode Island. In…
Government trustees report this week reveal that Social Security and Medicare will run out of money sooner than expected. Medicare…
Finally we are able to point at something (besides record gas prices) as an accomplishment of the Obama Administration: more…
Republican congressional leaders are indicating that they will allow the Bush tax cuts to be extended until the end of…
A break down of exactly how much does the government REALLY has to buy votes, who pays taxes, who does't…
Using a procedure known as unanimous consent, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives passed the 2-month payroll tax holiday…
The phrase "couldn't find their butts with both hands tied behind their backs" comes to mind as I analyze the…