Sarah Palin

Trump announces members he’d like in his administration

In the last few days, Presidential candidate Donald Trump mentioned that he would welcome two highly-visible conservatives into his administration. During…

9 years ago

Marine calls Fuerher Obama out for the lowlife tyrant he is MARINE CALLS FUEHRER OBAMA OUT FOR THE LOWLIFE TYRANT HE IS In this video a Marine reads Fuehrer Obama…

9 years ago

Preacher: Sarah Palin Wrong to Compare Waterboarding to Holy Baptism

WASHINGTON, May 5, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- Missionary to Capitol Hill, Rev. Rob Schenck, who attended the recent NRA convention…

10 years ago

Should McCain’s Campaign Have Muzzled Palin on Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Racism?

When truth is prevented from ever reaching the ears of the American public during a presidential campaign the consequences can…

11 years ago

Will Sarah Palin’s Return to Fox News Help Tea Party and Conservatives

With the stroke of a pen, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin returns to Fox News as a contributor while liberal…

11 years ago

The Gun-Totin’ Mama Grizzly: Sarah Palin Rallies the Troops at CPAC

On the final day of the 40th annual CPAC 2013, conservative darling, Sarah Palin (former Governor of Alaska) took the…

11 years ago

Dear Left, If Sarah is Irrelevant Why ALL the Coverage?

It's been more than four years since the Left began demonizing Sarah Palin, criticizing everything from her hair to her…

11 years ago

Sarah Palin in 2016 Presidential Race is no laughing matter

The presidential campaign of 2016 was launched as soon as the last light dimmed on the stage after Mitt Romney…

11 years ago

The Fiscal Cliff Swindle And the Future of A Republic

So, now that Obama has been re-elected it seems the entire Republican Party Establishment, including the talking heads, are showing their real…

11 years ago

Why the Tea Party is the Target of Post-Election Blame Game

Do you ever feel as if standing up for your U.S. Constitutional rights has allowed the liberals and the blame…

11 years ago

Is Sarah Palin’s “Shuck and Jive” Obama Comment Racist

This week former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin penned an article on Facebook with the title "Obama's Shuck and Jive Ends…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin’s Heart and Soul – True Conservative American Convention

The recent RNC Convention in Tampa, Florida was missing one of its most essential conservative ingredients to showcase the essence…

12 years ago

Will GOP National Convention pro-life support energize conservative voters

The country is now in the third quarter of a presidential election year that may very well determine the direction…

12 years ago

The Politician as Superman

It was November 6, 1990. I was sitting outside a campaign "victory" party, in the dark. Just about everyone else…

12 years ago

Overestimating Obama and Palin

One thing about the world of politics that probably will never change is the bigger-than-real-life quality the press and public…

12 years ago