Rick Perry

Perry makes serious strategy mistake in Virginia, will miss primary

A probable election error by the Perry campaign has turned into a definite faux pas - Perry is off the…

12 years ago

Come On, GOP!

Let's pause for a moment and assess the GOP frontrunners: It's come to light this week that Ron Paul's newsletter didn't publish just…

12 years ago

Ai Politics LIVE Tonight! Newt, Perry, Tebow, And Conservative Attitudes Toward Gays

Well, this show is probably going to be controversial.  Tonight, we'll be talking about Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Conservative attitudes…

12 years ago

The Basis Of Big Government?

Let me ask you, the reader, this question: What motivates a person to believe that a government which controls every…

12 years ago

Rick Perry Compares Himself To… TIM TEBOW

You know, some candidates compare themselves to Woodrow Wilson; some candidates compare themselves to Ronald Reagan, but Perry?  He compares…

12 years ago

Only One Candidate Can Name Their Favorite Supreme Court Justice (Sorta)

At last night's debate, Megyn Kelly made what seemed like a simple request.  Name your favorite Supreme Court justice.  For…

12 years ago

Fox News GOP Debate Recap: Are You More Conservative Than a 5th Grader?

Fox News hosted yet another GOP Primary debate on Thursday night and the entire field was there…well, besides Gary Johnson,…

12 years ago

Cannibalism: Why I WON’T Be Watching the Debate Tonight

Commandment 11: Thou shalt not speak ill of thy fellow Republicans, for in the day that thou do, thou shalt…

12 years ago

Rick Perry: A Man Of Great Soul

Until yesterday, I wasn't completely sure why I liked Rick Perry so much. I have a list of reasons, but…

12 years ago

7 Reasons Why Mitt’s A Misfit

The Republican Establishment is fit to be tied.  Mitt Romney is their guy.  He's the heir apparent to the Republican…

12 years ago

Diane Sawyer Impressed by Iowa Hicks and Their Book-learnin' : Debate Recap

ABC held yet another Republican debate at Drake University in Iowa Saturday.  Diane Sawyer moderated along with George Steph..... oh…

12 years ago

Iowa GOP Debate Recap… Kinda

It has been awhile since I recapped a debate. Mostly because of that pesky drinking rule that came with "9-9-9",…

12 years ago

December 10th ABC/Yahoo News GOP Debate [Full Video]

Saturday night's GOP debate was expected to highlight Mitt Romney's contempt for Newt Gingrich's stellar rise to the top of…

12 years ago

A Rick Perry Comeback?

Anyone who follows GOP politics on Twitter can see that there's a resurgence of support behind Rick Perry. The #RevisitPerry…

12 years ago

Bachmann and Perry Join Group of "No" for Trump Debate

Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann have decided that two days after Christmas they have better things to do than show…

12 years ago