
Liberal Zealots Force Museum to Remove ‘Racist’ Dr. Seuss Mural

Radical left zealots have succeeded in bullying a Massachusetts Dr. Seuss museum to remove a 'racist' mural? What's next, burning…

7 years ago

Dishonest Media and the Left’s New Civil War

Based on the visceral overreaction of the left and the mainstream media, to President Donald Trump’s comments this week, it…

7 years ago

Democrats See The World Through A Prism Of Race

The unrelenting pressure by Democrats to get Donald Trump removed from office is without equal. Every action and word from…

7 years ago

Piggish Rich Hypocrite Michael Moore Touts the End of White Rule

In the mad rush to fan the flames of racial animosity after Charlottesville, Democrats and other liberals are blaming the…

7 years ago

Why Is The Truth Now Racist?

In the left's never ending quest to find everything racist, they have now hit a new low by calling the…

7 years ago

The Stupidity Of Imaginary Racism

I’m old enough to remember when people went to college; they went to get smart, but now a day all…

7 years ago

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every…

7 years ago

Allahu Akbar Fresno: Muhammad kills 4 in shooting spree – now under arrest

A man accused of killing four people in Fresno, CA shouted Allahu Akbar after having been arrested. Kori Ali Muhammad…

7 years ago

Calling Good People “Racist” Isn’t New: the Case of Ty Cobb

Ruining someone's name is very easy. So is calling them a "racist." Take the case of Ty Cobb, one of…

7 years ago

“It’s Because Of Poverty And Racism”

It is well known, or at least it should be that a Liberals answer to everything is race. When a…

7 years ago

Most Black People Know Little about Black History


7 years ago

WATCH: Tucker Hits Back Against DNC’s Jehmu Greene on Dem’s Racial Bias

Racial bias is not always against blacks or Hispanics - sometimes, as in the case of the democratic party, racial…

7 years ago

Calling Out the Know-It-All Left on the Issue of Racism

During the transformative years of the 1960s and 1970s the country went through some incredible growing pains, especially where the…

8 years ago

OK, so now segregation isn’t racist?

I don't get it. For decades, civil rights activists in America have worked to blur the lines between the races, make…

8 years ago