Muslim terrorists

The “Muslim Ban” That Isn’t

The political left, and other disingenuous fellow Americans, have revolted and taken to the streets this week over the “Muslim…

7 years ago

Better Take That Viking River Cruise Soon, Before Europe Is Gone

A recent petition, originated by a Muslim residing in Germany, told authorities in Munich that Octoberfest, with its dancing and…

9 years ago

Turkish Ambassador Who Dined With Stevens On 9-11 Knew Of Benghazi Attack & Failed To Warn

According to Clare Lopez,  a Retired operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), serving domestically and abroad for 20 years…

11 years ago

Super-Obama Takes Out Al-Qaeda Leader al-Awlaki

The people of Libya heard a dramatic swoosh of air last night, and upon looking up into the darkened moonless…

13 years ago