Mitt Romney

Why to Vote for Romney

Honestly, Mitt Romney was not the first choice as GOP presidential nominee for many voters. They preferred a handful of…

12 years ago

Bill Clinton on Mitt Romney’s Resume: “Sterling”

In a CNN interview, former president Clinton refers to Romney's career as "Sterling" and that his experience is more than…

12 years ago

Birther Nonsense

While I'm not a fan of Stand Up! with Pete Dominick on Sirius XM, he's always good to get the…

12 years ago

Why obama Can’t Quit Maher

Yahoo! News, that proud, card-carrying member of the "progressive" Party Pravda, is on the attack again. What else should be…

12 years ago

Christians the Key to America’s Future; But They Are Failing

Christians the Key to America’s Future; But They Are Failing 2 Chronicles 7:14 is the Answer “if my people, who…

12 years ago

Obama’s Rich Bashing Is Backfiring

President Obama and his team thought they could deliver a headshot to Romney with the grossly inaccurate Bain ad that…

12 years ago

Romney Clinches GOP Nomination, not everyone’s excited

After months of heated debate, ad campaigns, news stories and commentary, the race for the GOP nomination for the President…

12 years ago

To love private equity or not love it? That’s the question

So President Obama hates Bain Capital. Is it because Mitt Romney worked or is it due to the fact that…

12 years ago

Personhood USA: Romney Was Not Forced to Provide Free Abortions in Romneycare

WASHINGTON, May 24, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Two of the nation's leading pro-abortion political groups recently alleged that GOP presidential frontrunner…

12 years ago

obama’s Had His Fair Shot

barack obama, in a calculated, targeted attack against Republican rival Mitt Romney, attempted to dismiss Romney's key rationale for his…

12 years ago

Big Bain Backfire

Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker is the unwitting star of Mitt Romney's new Campaign ad

12 years ago

Personhood USA Examines Pro-Abortion Claims and Romney’s Record

WASHINGTON, May 21, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Not surprisingly, the country's oldest pro-abortion political organization, NARAL, threw their weight behind…

12 years ago

Stupidity With A Side of Nazi Please

The Nazi allegations are floating around again.  Like racism, being labeled a Nazi by anyone in the political spectrum, left…

12 years ago

What the obama Administration Has Taught America

Facebook Inc.'s $16 billion initial public offering has made Mark Zuckerberg the 29th richest carbon based life form on Earth.…

12 years ago