Michele Bachmann

The Basis Of Big Government?

Let me ask you, the reader, this question: What motivates a person to believe that a government which controls every…

12 years ago

Only One Candidate Can Name Their Favorite Supreme Court Justice (Sorta)

At last night's debate, Megyn Kelly made what seemed like a simple request.  Name your favorite Supreme Court justice.  For…

12 years ago

Fox News GOP Debate Recap: Are You More Conservative Than a 5th Grader?

Fox News hosted yet another GOP Primary debate on Thursday night and the entire field was there…well, besides Gary Johnson,…

12 years ago

Diane Sawyer Impressed by Iowa Hicks and Their Book-learnin' : Debate Recap

ABC held yet another Republican debate at Drake University in Iowa Saturday.  Diane Sawyer moderated along with George Steph..... oh…

12 years ago

Iowa GOP Debate Recap… Kinda

It has been awhile since I recapped a debate. Mostly because of that pesky drinking rule that came with "9-9-9",…

12 years ago

December 10th ABC/Yahoo News GOP Debate [Full Video]

Saturday night's GOP debate was expected to highlight Mitt Romney's contempt for Newt Gingrich's stellar rise to the top of…

12 years ago

Bachmann and Perry Join Group of "No" for Trump Debate

Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann have decided that two days after Christmas they have better things to do than show…

12 years ago

Obama Admits to Affair with Rosie O'Donnell: why you should read more than the headline

What's in a headline?  In this day and age, a lot.  Internet, smart phones, Twitter, Facebook- all of these world-changing…

12 years ago

Why do we hate our candidates so much?

When it comes time for the general elections, we'll all be moping about and complaining that we only have a…

12 years ago

Meghan McCain: I Think Michele Bachmann Is More Smarter Than Sarah Palin

Remember when we told you that MSNBC had scored a really great conservative pundit, Meghan McCain?  Well, here's an example…

12 years ago

GOP Candidates Finally Say The Word "Muslim"

For me, this by far has been the best debate. It's about time the candidates had the courage to say…

12 years ago

CNN Republican Debate Recap: Debate Fatigue and Box Wine

I have a confession to make.  I was really bored by Tuesday's Republican debate.  I know, its shocking.  Somebody found…

12 years ago

November 22nd Republican Debate on National Defense [Full Video]

On Tuesday, November 22nd at 8pm EST, the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and CNN will present a GOP presidential…

12 years ago

Left Turns, Fireballs and GOP Debates

Why do people watch races? Of course it's to see their favorite driver take the checkered flag, but also.. the…

12 years ago