Michael Moore

Michael Moore: “I Think People Should Start To Practice The Word’s President Romney”

You know it's bad for Obama when Michael Moore is facing reality!

12 years ago

The Difference Between Contrived and Real Outrage: The Top Five Right and Left Insulting Comments

A blogger should never admit this, but instead pretend that he slaved for hours putting something together; but sometimes, the…

12 years ago

Sick Of Hearing About Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston sadly died an early death due to drug and alcohol abuse. A very gifted singer has died much…

12 years ago

Having Fun With Michael Moore… On Twitter

Disclaimer:  In the interest of originality, this piece on Michael Moore will have no fat jokes.  Enjoy. This past weekend,…

12 years ago

Dealing With the Occupations

I've heard a few libertarians who get a little bit defensive of how the Occupy Wall Street movement is treated,…

12 years ago

When You Wish Upon a Hollywood Star…

In today’s culture, very few stars shine brighter than the ones in Hollywood, but the light that shines from the…

13 years ago

Michael Moore Echoes FDR, Carter in Bid to Save Dems at Cost of Economy

Michael Moore shows his greedy, self-serving intolerant self yet again.  Feel free to destroy the economy as long as failed…

14 years ago