John Dummett

Media Bias and Cover-up

Why are the main stream media, and even “conservative” media, ignoring the story about John Dummett and the Liberty Legal…

12 years ago

The Super Committee Smoke Screen: A Raging Success As Planned

I keep hearing that Congress’s Super Committee has failed due to the fact they could not agree on the “spending…

12 years ago

America: Future of Freedom or Future of Tyranny?

This is an open letter to those in America who still support, and will vote for, Barack Obama and the…

12 years ago

John Dummett and Liberty Legal vs. “Conservative” Media and Politicians

World Net Daily has just published a story involving John Albert Dummett and his quest to have Barack Obama declared…

13 years ago

Anyone But Obama? Be Careful What You Ask For

I find it fascinating that the Republican establishment, including the talking head brigade, is pushing Mitt Romney and Rick Perry…

13 years ago

John Dummett: The “Hidalgo” of 2012

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to watch the movie “Hidalgo” on television for the 3rd or 4th…

13 years ago