Grover Norquist

Norquist and Kudlow have finally proven they are strident liberals

While Washington has in recent weeks been pondering what to do about illegal aliens, a number of pseudoconservatives have recently(and…

11 years ago

Let Obama Leap Off the Fiscal Cliff Alone

The editorial cartoon on the left perfectly summarizes the political situation surrounding fiscal cliff negotiations. The lesson is Republicans will…

11 years ago

A Friend of the Tea Party. Really?

“...Americans for Tax Reform, its leader is Grover Norquist. The more popular name…is the Tea Party.” Grover Norquist's name surfaced…

12 years ago

Stupidity With A Side of Nazi Please

The Nazi allegations are floating around again.  Like racism, being labeled a Nazi by anyone in the political spectrum, left…

12 years ago

Rick Perry’s Tax Plan: The Big Lie

 2012 GOP Presidential candidate Rick Perry unveiled a pro-growth tax plan yesterday that is based upon a flat tax of…

13 years ago