George Soros

Soros-Funded PAC Shuts Off The Money Tap To His Favorite Prosecutors As They Face Electoral Uncertainty

A PAC funded by George Soros that devoted millions to electing liberal district attorneys in California has yet to spend…

3 weeks ago

Soros Fund Sets Its Sights On A New Target — America’s Airwaves

An investment firm founded by billionaire George Soros is looking to ramp up its influence over a key slice of…

4 months ago

George Soros Sets Eyes On Latest Target — One Of The GOP’s Top Strongholds 

George Soros is pouring money into local Democratic parties in Texas in a ploy to help Democrats turn the state…

6 months ago

The Soros Empire Is Quietly Targeting A Key Voting Bloc

The Soros philanthropic network dumped massive sums of cash into left-of-center Latino advocacy and political mobilization efforts in 2022, according…

8 months ago

Oligarchy: Soros and Foreigner Bought Nearly Two Dozen Local Newspapers In This Swing State

George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and left-wing Swiss Billionaire Hansjörg Wyss- quietly donated millions of dollars to a non-profit that…

10 months ago

Left-Wing Megadonors Are Quietly Powering Efforts To Get Trump Off The Ballot

Several organizations fueled by Democrat-aligned and left-wing funds have launched efforts in recent weeks to remove former President Donald Trump…

11 months ago

AOC, Dem Lawmaker’s Trip To Latin America To Meet Left-Wing Leaders Was Funded By A Soros Organization

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic lawmakers recent diplomatic trip to South America was funded by George Soros’s…

11 months ago

George Soros Donates Big Sum To Gavin Newsom’s Deputy For 2026 Gubernatorial Race

George Soros has donated the maximum amount permissible to the top deputy of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California in…

1 year ago

Soros-Backed DA Accused Of Using ‘Equity’ Panel To Punish Dissident Prosecutors

George Gascón, a Los Angeles District Attorney backed by George Soros, allegedly “weaponized” the LA County Equity Oversight Panel to…

1 year ago

George Soros Gives His ‘More Political’ Son Control Of $25 Billion Empire

Billionaire George Soros has handed control of his $25 billion financial empire to his son Alexander, The Wall Street Journal…

1 year ago

From Elon Musk To George Soros: Is God Challenging Our Free Will Again?

Last week, two separate people said this phrase to me, “It (the state of the world) sorta makes me glad…

1 year ago

George Soros’ Investment Firm, Others To Buy Vice Media After Bankruptcy

Soros Fund Management (SFM) and other investors will buy Vice Media for about $225 million after the media company filed…

1 year ago

CNN Fact Check Reporter Spins Soros’ Support Of Bragg’s Campaign As Backing For ‘Criminal Justice Reform’

A fact-check reporter for CNN spun left-wing billionaire George Soros’s support for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s 2021 campaign as…

1 year ago

A Soros-Funded Organization Is Helping A Student Org Defy DeSantis’ Higher Education Reforms

A network funded by philanthropist George Soros is working with a coalition of students, parents, alumni and allies intent on…

1 year ago

Soros-Backed Dark Money Group Poured Millions Into Election Reform, Dem-Linked Groups, Filings Show

A nonprofit backed by left-wing billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations network doled out more than $77 million in 2021…

2 years ago