The 2012 Election

A Libertarian’s Battle Cry on Super Tuesday

If you are a Libertarian, a Constitutional Republican, or a freedom-lover of any sort, your battle cry on Super Tuesday…

12 years ago

Romney’s Achilles Heel

Romney instituted a socialistic health care program in the state of Massachusetts while he was the Governor there and many…

12 years ago

“progressive” Reporting on Scott Walker’s Recall Election

There's so much empty, hateful "progressive" rhetoric in this “article” written by David Chalian it's truly painful. Scott Walker, Wisconsin…

12 years ago

Gas Prices Skyrocket! Obama: Let’s Try Algae

Across the country Americans are paying more at the pump.  A Los Angeles station raised the price ten cents while…

12 years ago

What Can Bill Clinton Teach Republicans about Winning in 2012?

In 1992, Bill Clinton made the phrase “It’s the economy, stupid!” a theme for his successful presidential campaign. Clinton focused…

12 years ago

Rowdy Minnesota Republicans Elect district/state delegates, conduct party business Saturday

the county GOP met to elect delegates to the district and state conventions, hear their local politicians speak and to…

12 years ago

Who’s Offering Economic Solutions?

Given America’s growing national debt, now in excess of $15 trillion: A per capita government debt that’s worse than…

12 years ago

D.A.M Chief DWS Exposes Herself.. Again

DNC [and Democratic Attack Machine] Chairman Debbie Wassermann-Schultz made another appearance on national television recently, in which she makes her usual…

12 years ago

Romney Re-Takes Lead in Michigan

Mitt Romney how holds a 6 point lead in Michigan despite trailing Rick Santorum in that state for the last…

12 years ago

Why Government Will Never Change

Every election cycle – let's face it, every day – voters criticize the government for its inability to function. We…

12 years ago

Mitt, Answer the Question! Please

What I am saying straight forward is the Mitt Romney praises himself for dumping cash on a problem and then…

12 years ago

According to Romney- Santorum Responsible for ObamaCare

According to Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum is to blame for ObamaCare. In tonight’s CNN debate, Mitt stated that ObamaCare was…

12 years ago

Phony Political Debates and Obama hissy-fits

On Wednesday, February 22, 2012, President Barack Hussein Obama, with Vice President Joe Biden at his side, said, "I do…

12 years ago

February 22nd CNN Republican Debate 8pm ET

Overview Tonight may be the last of the Republican presidential primary debates as Santorum, Romney and Paul declined to appear…

12 years ago

Former MSNBC Host Calls Santorum A “Lunatic” And Compares Him To Mussolini

After six years of comparing George W. Bush to Hitler, it looks like the Left has decided to compare Republican…

12 years ago