
America In The Age Of Stupidity: Another Week Of Democrat Stupidity

Another week and more stupidity from Democrats. Democrats are truly the gift that keeps on giving. Throughout history, we have…

3 days ago

Chinese-Owned EV Company Showered Dems With Campaign Contributions

The U.S. subsidiary of a Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer and its top executive have given hundreds of thousands of…

6 days ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: It’s Time To Stop Making Fun Of Joe Biden

After last week's debate, it's obvious that Joe Biden is mentally sick, and I don't think it's right to make…

3 weeks ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: Rot In Hell Joe Biden

There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that the country has deteriorated drastically since Joe Biden has been in…

1 month ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: Jill Biden is America’s Worst Wife

I'm glad I don't have a wife like Jill Biden. What kind of wife lets her husband go out and…

1 month ago

Chuck Schumer Deploys Another Political Smokescreen

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats — desperate to change the subject from inflation, the border and foreign…

1 month ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: Alvin Bragg The Savior Of The Republican Party

America In The Age Of Stupidity: Alvin Bragg The Savior Of The Republican Party Democrats don't seem to get it,…

2 months ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: Hey Hilary Will You Just Shut The Hell Up Already.

I think it's time for Hilary to fade off into the sunset. Just when you thought we were finally rid…

2 months ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: East Coast Vs West Coast Who Is Stupiditier?

California and New York, both are very Blue states. But which one does the stupidest things? Throughout history, we have…

2 months ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: Who The Hell Does Joe Biden Think He Is?

It should be obvious to everyone that Joe Biden truly believes that he is president of the United States. But…

2 months ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: What Kind Of People Vote For These Kind Of People

You look at the Democrat Party and what it has become and you have to scratch your head and wonder,…

3 months ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: This Is More Serious Than I First Thought

Are our armed services ready to protect and defend our country? After reading this I don't think so. Throughout history,…

3 months ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: Democrats TriFecta Of Stupidity

What do Joe Biden Hillary Clinton, and Joe Scarborough have in common? They all made Stupid comments this week. Throughout…

3 months ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: The Insanity Of The Democrat Voter

We know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Sounds…

4 months ago

America In The Age Of Stupidity: The Whole World Is Exploding Thanks To Democrats

The Weakness of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party should be obvious to everyone. The whole world is exploding while…

4 months ago