
Warning Signs of an Economic Collapse

Obama has previouly stated the he has pulled the economy back from the brink. This is far from truth and…

14 years ago

Liberal Attacks the Contract from America

A progressive author by the name of Ryan Normandin has an agenda against the Tea Party as he makes obvious…

14 years ago

I Want Your Money Trailer (2010) HD

Must see trailer! I Want Your Money trailer...Set against the backdrop of today's headline - 67% of Americans don't…

14 years ago

Federal Reserve Struggling to Create Inflation

The specter of deflation is looming.  Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke, the President's economic advisor Paul Volcker (remember him from…

14 years ago

The Myths about the Myths of Social Security

For decades we've all known the Social Security was in trouble. No more!! has calmed the waters and published…

14 years ago

Are we on the verge of an Economic Collapse?

Are we on the verge of an Economic Collapse? In my opinion yes, and it is intentional, but I'll let…

14 years ago

Californians Fear Crisis Threatens Liberal Benefits

A co-worker brought up an interesting point when we were discussing the Greek crisis.  He said, "California isn't really in…

14 years ago

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Country

Scott Redler penned an article on that discusses how all the bailouts and rescue plans are setting the global economy…

14 years ago

Universal Health Care in UK and Debt to GDP Ratio Worse than Greece

The Obama administration and liberal Congress have been telling us that health care reform is absolutely necessary to reduce national…

14 years ago

Health Care Reform Bill Deficit Neutral: Health Care Reform Is Not

Democrats are citing the recent CBO scoring of the combination of S.3590 (the bill that passed the Senate in December)…

14 years ago

Obama's Plans Add Trillions to the Debt in Current Decade

Tax-and-spend liberalism has been replaced by spend and don't tax enough radical liberal policy.  It's not sustainable and definitely not…

14 years ago

The Rising Cost of Congress

For the last year, we have all been beaten over the head repeatedly with the notion that health care costs…

14 years ago

The New Party of No

Republicans talk about lowering taxes and getting our deficits under control.  In reality, they only manage half of that promise. …

14 years ago

Liberals Believe that Debt Limits = U.S. Default on Debt

It is no wonder we are so deep in dept.  The mind-set of those that voted in  the current Congress…

14 years ago